*+-It’s okay if you do not know. Do not know what? What’s in store for you this year. You, like me, may enjoy YouTube, but even if you listen to 4757739292 astrologers and tarot readers you may still not know. Here’s an example: let’s say you’re Virgo Rising and listening to […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
*+-Hello and Good Morning! I woke up this morning thinking about VIRGO MOON. The Moon is indeed in Virgo as I type this and my natal moon is in Virgo (conjunct Pluto, First House, hi!) and I was walking to the cafe feeling so happy after not feeling well yesterday […]
*+-PREAMBLE: So I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to blog again – blog regularly – and I asked folks on my Facebook to chime in. Should I? And they verified what I felt and knew and what I’d been told: that so many amazing clients, friends, fans, humans […]
*+-So I have it in my head to start blogging again. I’m not sure if this is an end of the year thing or a new start 2019. We’ll see. To get the business out of the way, here are the links: For information about getting a Reading For info […]
*+-This blog post has an origin story which I told (part of) in a video, but wanted to say more here, in blog form. And it’s all about VENUS RETROGRADE and creativity and a discovery I made through talking to other artists. I don’t want to tell the whole story […]
*+-I’m one of those people who was counted out. Easily… 90% counted out. Even though. Even though, say, I got into Iowa. What does Iowa prepare you for? Nothing really. I could write. I could always write. But I was one of those people who was counted out. And before […]
*+-It’s fine if you want to be beautiful. Doesn’t really interest me, but you can do whatever you want. You be you, my love. That’s what Venus is about. What YOU value. I’m more Mars than Venus. And no we don’t need to choose, but this is my blog and my […]
*+-A client asked me to write about Venus retrograde which starts this week and this is what I think: we already know the obvious, right? Venus is love and money and possessions and social life and your appearance and your self-esteem and what you value, but I was walking to […]
*+-I’m excited for the NODES to change signs but what does it mean? I talked about the Nodes here and here (two new videos). And I feel DONE with the Nodes in my 12th and 6th and with Placidus they have indeed changed Houses already, but the SIGNS remain. for […]
*+-THE UGLIES: a continuing series of writing about hard aspects and transits I’m writing to you from the blood room. My period wasn’t always this intense, but it’s normal for some women my age. Heavy bleeding. I am self-employed so I can control my schedule to a large extent. This […]
*+-INTRODUCING THE UGLIES: a new series of writing about difficult aspects/transits. I woke up this morning, inspired by a client’s email. She quoted to me the blog post I had written that led her to me. It was about Sun square Pluto. IN FACT, I’ve had a number of clients […]
*+-Aliza’s Stars & Cards for the 4th of July CHIRON GOES RETROGRADE: THE HURTING Let’s talk about Chiron. Again. Because Chiron (“the wounded healer”) goes retrograde today. Its first retrograde in Aries. Where Chiron is in our charts is where we are always at risk for being cut open, our […]
*+-I am posting these daily forecasts first and foremost on my Facebook. Sometimes I remember to post them here too. This is for today, Tuesday July 3rd: Aliza’s Stars & Cards for Tuesday July 3rd MORE PISCES MOON AND THE THEN WHAT So I’m thinking today may be more of […]
*+- GOOD WEEKEND FOR THE WRITERS AND PHILOSOPHERS, WRITE WRITE WRITE Let’s talk a little about MERCURY because we have a lot of Mercury today going on in the sky. What does this mean? Each of the planets is in charge of (“rules”) various parts of our lives, is associated […]
*+-The Stars Today Plus A Quick Astrology Lesson MOON IN AQUARIUS Aliza’s Stars & Cards for June 30, 2018 Feelings. How do you feel about feelings? It’s Cancer Season which means the SUN IS IN CANCER so Cancerian qualities, traits, experiences will surround you more than usual. Cancer’s motto: I […]
*+-While you lay there bleeding under the Full Moon (which was fused with stern Saturn, in case you are wondering why you felt like crap), messenger Mercury snuck into bold generous fire sign Leo, where it will retrograde on July 25th. Yes, my friends, ANOTHER summer retrograde. Oy Mercury! In […]
*+-Ohhhhh this week this week this week this week feels dark and harsh to me. I had a cold. I had to reschedule people. Getting back to work BUT THIS SKY. Today we had a Sun Saturn opposition (harsh) and the Full Moon (tonight/tomorrow) is also harsh. WHY? Again, because […]
*+-Action precedes motivation. I learned this phrase decades ago from a friend who was in a Depressed Anonymous group. I said it to someone today. During Mars retrograde you may feel stuck, stymied, in prison. You may feel low ambition, low confidence, low self esteem. Anxiety. Existential dread. You can’t […]
*+-This gets talked about in Tarot circles a lot — at least in my Tarot circles: drawing cards too much. Asking the same question over and over. The cards getting sassy. The cards getting sick of your shit. Are the cards sometimes drama queens? YES. People will say this about […]
*+-They’ve been married for decades now. Soulmates. Love. Happy marriage. The problem? Sex. NO SEX. He wants it. He wants it with her. She’s out of her blood years. He’s frustrated. He watches porn. Feels guilty. His words: SHE IS DEAD FROM THE WAIST DOWN. Her body hurts. She gives […]
*+-Really really tired, friends, but I want to get a quick blog post out before I go home and take a nap. Seriously. Before preparing for clients and the rest of my to-do list. IT’S AN IMPORTANT WEEK. Neptune goes retrograde today while the Moon is in Virgo. THIS WILL […]
*+-There’s something to be said for being disgusting. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. Blood on the toilet seat is gross. I never liked being in a body. I still don’t. But I make the moon time a celebration. A celebration when I’m not busy sleeping and […]
*+-To write about the obsessions might be helpful. This is what I have for you on this New Moon in Gemini. Gemini has to do with writing and writers and editing and editors and today the Gemini Moon is aspecting Pluto (ruling death, ruling obsession, ruling kidnapping) so you may […]
*+-A quick one about this week. More to come. Mercury enters Cancer this week. Venus enters Leo this week. BOTH will aspect Uranus AND Chiron. Hard and soft aspects. The one I want to address first and in this blog post is the Venus Uranus square. You know the drill. […]