*+-Ah my current obsession. THE NORTH NODE IS NOW IN PISCES. I feel like I can really let down my hair here, on the “old blog.” As opposed to the new blog or the Substack or even the newsletter or whatever but HERE on MOON PLUTO ASTROLOGY I can say […]
moon conjunct pluto
*+-That feeling of things falling apart and coming together and falling apart and coming together in new ways. It could be a Full Moon in Aries thing, sure. Today’s Full Moon in Aries squared both Mars and Pluto. This can cause that falling apart/coming together feeling. It could be eclipse […]
*+-Dear First House Pluto People, It’s not that you are evil, it’s that you’ve known evil. You’ve witnessed it, heard it, felt it. You know it inside and out. It’s been done to you. So. What to do with all that? The first thing is to realize this: that you […]
*+-Today we had a Sun Pluto opposition in the sky (Sun in Leo/Pluto in Aquarius) and lately I’ve had a bizarre amount of Moon conjunct Pluto clients (new and old) so of course it’s got me thinking about Pluto and Pluto people and how hard it is to, well, feel […]
*+-You have one job now (is what I tell myself). What is your ONE JOB? I have a book to write. That’s it. And I know yeah there’s other stuff. Work. Bathing. Getting up each day. The daily. I miss Gemini Season already. We were fast. We were sleek. We […]
*+-And maybe this post is for all the Pluto People, not just the Moon Pluto people. Obviously. But we feel things intensely and for weeks now I felt like I couldn’t write. I would struggle to write. That’s so not me. But it was happening. And just now I was […]
*+-Two years. It took me two years to write a book, a novel. I didn’t realize it was a novel at the time. And I finished it the summer of 2022 and then queried agent after agent, jumping through the necessary literary agent hoops and probably queried nearly a hundred agents […]
*+-I’m on the verge. And then there are the feelings. But I’m on the verge. My chart: Sun Mercury Mars in Cancer with a Moon Pluto conjunction in my First House. Once upon a time, when I was studying astrology (when I was in my 30s), but not reading charts […]
*+-I’m a writer but maybe I was a helper before I was a writer — able to contain the pain of others. A job given to me but also my nature. Yesterday with my cousin, her pulse speeding away, I felt in my element, completely calm, soothing, even distracting her […]
*+-Find me on Substack for more astrology, tarot, magic, psychoanalysis, daily life in the big city. To book a reading, email me: moonpluto@gmail.com or look here. xo
*+-I see my Pluto so clearly now and I have a feeling it’s only going to get more clear, which scares me a little. It’s exciting too. To get to know oneself. It’s a deep process. Make no mistake. I used to think I knew my Pluto, could see my […]
*+-You have to understand (I say to my analyst): I’ve been out of circulation for a long time. What I mean is: not just Covid. Not just pandemic time. I mean, I’ve been self-employed for decades and that’s how I like it. I was a pet sitter (working totally alone […]
*+-Pluto comes to change you. Pluto comes to change us all. Listen, I’ve been through Pluto opposing my Sun, my Mercury, my Mars. I was born under a Moon Pluto conjunction (in my First House). You know what Pluto does? Pluto gives you depth you didn’t want. Now, the details […]
*+-Intense emotions! That’s what my astrologer said to me when he told me about my natal Moon Pluto conjunction so many years ago. He wasn’t wrong. I’ve lived a very long time without parents. I know a lot about a certain kind of life. (Moon conjunct Pluto = Pluto kills […]
*+-What is Pluto? Pluto will be changing signs, okay, but what is Pluto? What does Pluto symbolize? I’m sitting here, thinking, writing to you, wondering if I can sum up Pluto in a way that will satisfy me. If it satisfies me then it might satisfy you. And this won’t […]
*+-I’m gonna try. I’m gonna try to keep blogging, and today I was back on the pod (after deleting all the old episodes again). It keeps me sane to talk to you and this was how it all began: on the blog. So I got off the phone with my […]
*+-We’re in the midst of a long angry slog by the name of Mars retrograde and this week we have a Full Moon in Mars Retrograde in Gemini. Where are the boundaries? What needs to be said? Gemini rules speech. Everything means something and nothing means anything. I’m at that point […]
*+-The intensity. Just got off the phone with a client and I was deep in her energy. Astrology, tarot, “the guides.” I was deep in. I went a little over time and she thanked me and I said to her when the guides are talking I don’t want to interrupt. […]
*+-What a journey, and it’s not over yet. What am I talking about? We just survived two eclipses, and we’ll be feeling the effects for months now. Mars is retrograde until mid January 2023. Mercury goes retrograde in December and… isn’t that enough? I’m listening to Beth Ditto as I […]
*+-Sometimes the gifts are dark. That’s how it goes. But those are often the gifts that change your life FOR THE BETTER. I had a great conversation the other day (with a potential mentor?) and he was kinda applauding my ability (is that the right word? Not quite but I […]
*+-I remember when I had my Pluto square Pluto transit. I was studying astrology. I was loving astrology. But even though I was meeting these cool people and learning this cool stuff and I remember walking home with my Pisces friend, to the train, and not knowing where it would […]
*+-So I was on a podcast today and it had been a while since I gave an interview. Felt like a lifetime ago — which feels weird because my book is only six months old or so, but nothing is normal at this time, and I was being myself as […]
*+-Hello and happy Sunday. I’m thinking about therapy again and I’m thinking about writing. See, I’m working on a new book (which doesn’t have a home yet and thus seeking an agent/publisher) and the book has a therapist in it and I started this book last summer, a year before […]
*+-There comes a point in life — that if you want to stay alive, remain alive — that you have to stop asking God why you didn’t get what you wanted: beauty, love, money, children, whatever it is, or was. I was thinking about this tonight as I was walking home — […]