-+*What a journey, and it’s not over yet. What am I talking about? We just survived two eclipses, and we’ll be feeling the effects for months now. Mars is retrograde until mid January 2023. Mercury goes retrograde in December and… isn’t that enough? I’m listening to Beth Ditto as I […]
Moon Pluto
-+*I like the spontaneous conversation with Katie (who has a Moon Chiron conjunction) that developed on my Burning Bridges post on Facebook. It is by no means the last word on any of this. Here’s part of the conversation: Her: Now I’m wondering how much Moon Pluto is like Moon […]
-+*I’m thinking about bridges. I asked on my Facebook: do you burn them? First person to respond was basically a HELL YES and I called him a scorcher. I can relate. Next person to chime in was the opposite, very rational. I accused her of air-sign-ness lol. She wasn’t offended […]
-+*PREAMBLE: So I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to blog again – blog regularly – and I asked folks on my Facebook to chime in. Should I? And they verified what I felt and knew and what I’d been told: that so many amazing clients, friends, fans, humans […]
-+*This blog post has an origin story which I told (part of) in a video, but wanted to say more here, in blog form. And it’s all about VENUS RETROGRADE and creativity and a discovery I made through talking to other artists. I don’t want to tell the whole story […]
-+* Depending on your time zone, the Sun enters Cancer Tuesday or Wednesday and the Cancer New Moon is on Friday. All that heavy analysis will get you nowhere now. All that rigidity. Time to flow and cry and feel. Sorry Air signs 😉 We are gonna DUNK YOU. You […]
-+*I’ll tell you how astrology works and how life works. The transits, where the planets are now and how they affect us, will prod us, challenge us, inspire us… And if we are smart and somewhat conscious we notice this and sit with it and make some decisions about our […]
-+*I am freezing as I type to you, but I have to type to you. It is c c c cold in North Florida today and the house I live in is also c c c cold today even though YES I have heat, and the heat is on, and […]
-+*In one of the chatrooms today someone was thanking me for my gifts and I had no clue what she meant. I asked her to explain it. I’m dense sometimes. And a Virgo Moon. What you mean, lady? It was a perfect example of someone saying something and me going […]
-+*If you love working with me and you are budget conscious then take advantage of the next 6 days i.e. the rest of June! In July my rates are going back to normal. Normal normal! I’ve run various and sundry specials off and on over the months but my Guides […]