+-*What is it that will come out of left field? This Full Moon is square Uranus. Who will surprise you? Who will be surprised? Questions without answers. Yet. It’s *just* a Full Moon. It’s not the beginning or the end. But Eclipse Season is coming. Mercury retrograde is coming and […]
+-*So I guess I will keep blogging. I should keep blogging. Maintaining a blog is the old world. Today I was thinking about Facebook. I was thinking about the older social media platforms used to be ways of connection for me. I found friends and clients. Now it’s all… dismembered. […]
+-*People like to read about the hard transits. I always wrote about them. I don’t think I ever got over Uranus and Pluto squaring/opposing my Sun at the same time. My life IS the shape of the Uranus Pluto square from all those years ago. So now what? Pluto is […]
+-*Ain’t nothing wrong with a can of sugar-free whipped cream. It might be exactly what you need (talking to the sugar-free crowd here). Mars is (retrograde) in Cancer after all. You will submit to your weird craving. Today I found myself in a familiar spot. I remember a couple years […]
+-*Let us not forget about Sedna, currently at zero Gemini. Is she like the Fool card from the Tarot, eternally zero? Slow mover Sedna. Yesterday I was writing on the Substack that my time at the institute has been like a dream of dismemberment and how dreams of dismemberment aren’t […]
+-*Ah my current obsession. THE NORTH NODE IS NOW IN PISCES. I feel like I can really let down my hair here, on the “old blog.” As opposed to the new blog or the Substack or even the newsletter or whatever but HERE on MOON PLUTO ASTROLOGY I can say […]
+-*From the new newsletter I haven’t been blogging much these days. In terms of “content” I’ve been trying to grow my YouTube channel (including Tarot of the Day videos), but this morning I woke up thinking I needed to blog about the North Node entering Pisces (today!) so I thought […]
+-*As I type to you, drones flying above New Jersey is our headline news. The semester is just about over. I have two more classes. And everyone has their eye on NEXT YEAR. So many planets changing signs. I’m watching it all, just like you are, and doing my best […]
+-*I was writing about Mars retrograde today in the newsletter. Here’s an excerpt: A Mars retrograde carries many of the same keywords as a Mercury retrograde: review, redo, renew. This doesn’t mean that you can’t launch something or move forward, but you’ll be doing it a little differently. You may […]
+-*PLUTO STORIES I interviewed my Gemini friend Laura on YouTube about her LONG LONG Pluto through the First House transit (and it’s not over yet). Part One Part Two My interview with author and painter Harold Roth (he writes a lot about Jewish Magic) These YouTube forays are experiments but […]
+-*I haven’t blogged in forever. I handed in the first draft of my new book on November 1st. Yesterday was my mother’s birthday, November 12th. Today is… I don’t know what today is. But I just did this homework assignment for school, a writing assignment, and it felt good but […]
+-*That feeling of things falling apart and coming together and falling apart and coming together in new ways. It could be a Full Moon in Aries thing, sure. Today’s Full Moon in Aries squared both Mars and Pluto. This can cause that falling apart/coming together feeling. It could be eclipse […]
+-*Sagittarius is THE CENTAUR, half person, half horse, and this week Venus enters Sagittarius and I went LIVE on Instagram, a little Walk n Talk, to talk to you about some principles of Sagittarius and some keywords, and I kept saying MAKE SURE TO LISTEN BACK (to the whole thing […]
+-*To book a reading, go here or email me at aliza323@gmail.com Thinking about the insights to be had with Pluto going direct. Forgetting for a moment about the symbolism of Capricorn. We’ll get back to that. Instead, thinking about Pluto purely, if such a thing is possible (it is). And […]
+-*Dear First House Pluto People, It’s not that you are evil, it’s that you’ve known evil. You’ve witnessed it, heard it, felt it. You know it inside and out. It’s been done to you. So. What to do with all that? The first thing is to realize this: that you […]
+-*To book a Reading go here or better yet just email me at aliza323@gmail.com It’s not small news that Jupiter goes retrograde this week, but truly it’s overshadowed by the Pluto story. Going direct in Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime. That part of your chart (the Capricorn […]
+-**this blog post was written super fast. Apologies for extra bad grammar* The other day I was listening to an astrologer on YouTube practically begging for people to listen to real astrologers (“like me” she said), and I thought this was interesting because when I started there were very few […]
+-*God I wish it were cold out. When will it happen? It feels like endless summer here in the big city. I’d love to go for a walk but damn it’s so hot and bright out. Good thing I’ve got Virgo Season shit to do, and I may still head […]
+-*I’m in the midst of doing laundry which is a very Virgo Season way of starting a post but I don’t want to talk about Virgo Season. I want to talk about Chiron and the excruciating pain of Chiron and how clients keep finding me from my old Chiron posts […]
+-*That was a serious rough patch, y’all. I had a mild concussion. All my clients and Tarot students were up in arms. Bad shit. I can’t remember the last time we had a week like this, collectively. Was it the Sun Pluto opposition alone? I’m not sure. Maybe we’ll never […]
+-**Ask me about the bundles: to talk more often/regularly (and the bundles are less expensive per reading). Astrology-Tarot-Witch Coaching! Interesting Virgo Season this year because Jupiter is in Gemini. Gemini squares Virgo. It doesn’t take an astrological genius to say you might feel scattered or overwhelmed at times. Work for […]
+-*There I was telling my people (i.e. Patreon) that it wasn’t going to be a difficult week, and all I hear is that it’s been a difficult week, and I’m sitting here without looking at my Astro calendar but knowing that Mercury has probably entered Virgo by the time you […]
+-*Today we had a Sun Pluto opposition in the sky (Sun in Leo/Pluto in Aquarius) and lately I’ve had a bizarre amount of Moon conjunct Pluto clients (new and old) so of course it’s got me thinking about Pluto and Pluto people and how hard it is to, well, feel […]