*+-I’m excited for the NODES to change signs but what does it mean? I talked about the Nodes here and here (two new videos). And I feel DONE with the Nodes in my 12th and 6th and with Placidus they have indeed changed Houses already, but the SIGNS remain. for […]
north node in the 12th house
*+-I want to write about the INTENSITY of Scorpio Season with Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Scorpio THE INTENSITY and yesterday although I don’t want to go into detail just the words THE INTENSITY because that’s exactly what it was and it was… Rapid Interesting Passionate Juicy Spooky Painful […]
*+- In my current class, I’m starting to talk about Getting Unstuck (which is the name of a series of Pema Chodron talks so I started listening again) and asked them to draw cards for themselves: Are they stuck? Actually stuck? The cards will say yes or no and HOW […]
*+-It would be an understatement to say that I’m obsessed with the Nodes at the moment. That the Nodes are moving to Leo and Aquarius and that in my chart North Node in Leo = 12th House. Weird. And yet familiar. I have Venus there. Fire in a water house. […]
*+-In one of the chatrooms today someone was thanking me for my gifts and I had no clue what she meant. I asked her to explain it. I’m dense sometimes. And a Virgo Moon. What you mean, lady? It was a perfect example of someone saying something and me going […]
*+-“I’m here. ” I said it out loud — I’m here. I didn’t think I’d be back to blogging so soon but I see I have no choice. I am finishing a manuscript and it’s taken my entire focus for the past few months but now I have no choice. […]