*+-Sometimes the gifts are dark. That’s how it goes. But those are often the gifts that change your life FOR THE BETTER. I had a great conversation the other day (with a potential mentor?) and he was kinda applauding my ability (is that the right word? Not quite but I […]
Moon in Virgo
*+-Hello and happy Sunday. I’m thinking about therapy again and I’m thinking about writing. See, I’m working on a new book (which doesn’t have a home yet and thus seeking an agent/publisher) and the book has a therapist in it and I started this book last summer, a year before […]
*+-I like the spontaneous conversation with Katie (who has a Moon Chiron conjunction) that developed on my Burning Bridges post on Facebook. It is by no means the last word on any of this. Here’s part of the conversation: Her: Now I’m wondering how much Moon Pluto is like Moon […]
*+-I’m thinking about bridges. I asked on my Facebook: do you burn them? First person to respond was basically a HELL YES and I called him a scorcher. I can relate. Next person to chime in was the opposite, very rational. I accused her of air-sign-ness lol. She wasn’t offended […]
*+-All the outer planets are monsters to me, huge beasts, often with wings, flying in, flying out of our lives, and loving us. Loving us to pieces. Crushing us. Crushing us to pieces. I spend my morning loitering as I look for the perfect café on the avenue. There’s a […]
*+-Hello and Good Morning! I woke up this morning thinking about VIRGO MOON. The Moon is indeed in Virgo as I type this and my natal moon is in Virgo (conjunct Pluto, First House, hi!) and I was walking to the cafe feeling so happy after not feeling well yesterday […]
*+-The weekend is NOT simple We have a VENUS SATURN OPPOSITION on the weekend which can make you feel weak and unloved, unloveable but the week? I LIKE IT. Most of Monday is a void of course Moon so think of this day as NO PRESSURE. Just ease yourself along.. […]
*+-Hmm. Looking at the landscape for this weekend. A few details. Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday (which needs its own blog post). Moon will be in fret and putter Virgo. Sunday is fascinating to me. Mercury (retrograde) in Sagittarius and Venus in Sagittarius are busy (of course). Your mind and […]
*+-I want to talk to you about next week, but before I do that, I want to give you the important links! Here is a link to my latest blog post on Patheos Pagan. I’m there with my own column every week. Here is a link to the Facebook Invite […]