*+-It’s like a crank. It’s like a lever. I don’t know what the F it is. But you’re pulling it back, you’re pulling it towards you, and it’s setting everything in motion even though you don’t even need to pull it. The pulling is an afterthought, a metaphor, a ritual, […]
uranus in taurus
*+-So we’ve been through it and we’re not done yet. Mercury retrograde still here. Aries Season still here. Eclipse Season: STILL HERE although we’re done for now with fresh eclipses until the fall. Am I missing anything? Oh yeah we went all Mars Saturn as well. That was rough. I […]
*+-It will be an interesting Leo Season because Leo Season will give us a Grand Cross. Grand Crosses happen when we have planets in all the fixed signs at the same time (or all the cardinal signs or all the mutable signs). We have Saturn in Aquarius. The rules are […]
*+-No, it’s not exact yet, but it doesn’t matter. You’re probably feeling it or will be feeling it and I’d say that’s normal but some folks are more sensitive than others to THE ENERGIES. Thing is this, though, any bold or fast move you take or make this week isn’t […]
*+-Through certain houses of the chart and through certain times in our lives, the eclipses and the Nodes are a battle. Maybe it’s all the time. I don’t remember. But I was reflecting this evening on the recent Gemini/Sagittarius Nodes and eclipses and all they were for me was a […]
*+-So many endings. We have a Full Moon tomorrow. Venus goes retrograde on Sunday. What was it that you wanted? It’s changed already, hasn’t it. I spent hours today writing and writing so I don’t have too many blog-thoughts now, but here’s the news: it’s time to review your dreams, […]
*+-The most important thing you can do right now is realize how powerless you are. The second most important thing is the Saturn Uranus square, to know where this is happening in your chart because it tells the whole story of your life right now, including your powerlessness and who […]
*+-On March 6, 2019, the Uranus Pluto square is OVER. This is the day Uranus enters Taurus and will remain there until 2026. It will not retrograde back to Aries. It’s done. THE SQUARE IS DONE. If you Google it, you will find various years pinpointing the Uranus Pluto square. It’s […]
*+-Really really tired, friends, but I want to get a quick blog post out before I go home and take a nap. Seriously. Before preparing for clients and the rest of my to-do list. IT’S AN IMPORTANT WEEK. Neptune goes retrograde today while the Moon is in Virgo. THIS WILL […]
*+-A quick one about this week. More to come. Mercury enters Cancer this week. Venus enters Leo this week. BOTH will aspect Uranus AND Chiron. Hard and soft aspects. The one I want to address first and in this blog post is the Venus Uranus square. You know the drill. […]
*+-Dear Star Lovers, Even the strongest gets tired of being strong. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen grown men collapse under the weight of life. I don’t want to be strong anymore, they cry. Let me go. I think that’s what happened to my father. My brother said that he said he […]
*+-Prepare for things to speed up even more. How to do this? Get enough sleep. Rest. That’s how you prepare. So you don’t get too frazzled. May 20th the SUN ENTERS GEMINI which maybe wouldn’t feel like such a big deal any other year but in the context of Uranus changing […]
*+-I am not your love and light astrologer. I will never not be full of hate for everything that’s happened. And it feels good. Let it consume me. The old Moon Pluto is back. Remember me? The Moon Pluto who used to talk like this, write like this, ALL the time. […]
*+-Sounds crazy, I know! Or maybe not. Celebrate a Uranus transit??? So often we (me?) focus on the dark side of certain transits. Uh oh Saturn. Uh oh Uranus. Uh oh Neptune UH OH PLUTO.. Surely there are benefits, right? Right! Thus I have created this handy list of THREE […]
*+-Latest video is here Aliza’s Stars & Cards Uranus is on the verge of leaving Aries. On the verge!! This is a very special time, kids. A delicate time. Let’s all hold hands and remember life with Uranus in Aries. It’s about to become a dinosaur. Extinct. Until the next […]
*+-To join my JUNE ASTROLOGY CLASS look here! The new NEWSLETTER is here. Subscribe at this link! There is So. Much. Big. News. I feel like I’m going to be saying the same things over and over again for a while. URANUS ENTERS TAURUS next week. May 15th. NEW MOON […]
*+-Who: You and Me! I like to keep these Facebook Group classes small. Ideally between 9 and 12 people! What: ASTROLOGY! Discussion of the most important transits RIGHT NOW and coming up soon, including: Uranus in Taurus, Saturn retrograde in Capricorn, Chiron in Aries! And MARS IN AQUARIUS (retrograde). No […]
*+-Folks are getting the books they pre-ordered! Look here. It comes out June 1st officially but I’ve heard that books are coming Monday! The relief I feel that Mercury enters Taurus this weekend. Mercury went retrograde while in Aries and I found this one particularly difficult (although I also do […]
*+-Read Part One here After graduate school, I left Iowa City but then I went back, and it was there, after my mother’s death, that I found a helpful therapist and DBT skills classes. DBT was brand new at the time. I was not diagnosed borderline (which DBT was made […]
*+-A few thoughts, dear Taurus: 1 Talk to an Aries. Uranus is leaving their sign. They can tell you better than anyone at this time what it might feel like, but do remember they had a URANUS PLUTO square in their life for years and Taurus folks will have a […]
*+-A friend of mine asked me this. She wanted to hear my take on it. Uranus in Taurus: what does it mean? And I told her the truth: first and foremost, transits for me are PERSONAL (a transit = where the planets are now and how they affect us). I’m […]
*+-And then THIS happened. My book is coming out June 2018. Didn’t even realize it was in the catalog already but it is. Look here, my friends. May 2018. This is when Uranus will finally leave Aries and enter TAURUS! Uranus spends about seven years in a sign so this […]