-+*Thinking about playing cards with my niece and how I don’t care who wins or loses. I mean, I don’t care if I win. It’s not so much a game of brains but quick reflexes. It’s late on a Friday night and occasionally I rise to the occasion to see […]
-+*(This blog post is a work in progress. Edits to come!) Freud wrote that dreams were the royal road to the unconscious. Well, so is the Tarot. Here’s the deal. Maybe you want to be a Tarot reader (for self or others) or want to create a Tarot deck or […]
-+*So Rachel Pollack is not well and I don’t know the latest. I don’t know if she’s “here” or “there” or neither. I never met her in person but had a couple of readings from her over the years (actually one reading and one Celtic Cross lesson). I think this […]
-+*Some thoughts on how I teach Tarot: When I started teaching Tarot again, it had been a while. The last time I think was… 2016. I’d been holding little Tarot (or astrology or creativity) groups/classes on Facebook over the years, but one-one-one Tarot teaching was more sporadic until recently. I […]
-+*The loss of a dream is a loss. The loss of a fantasy is a loss. The loss of a loss is a loss. Pluto goes direct. Full Moon in Aries. That’s this weekend’s sky. Matters regarding your Capricorn House (where Pluto lives at this time) move forward again, but […]
-+*What I’m thinking today about the upcoming long Mars in Gemini transit: Mars in Taurus = needing things to stay the same. Mars in Gemini = greater comfort with options and change. In Tarot class, we talked about the NINES (among other things) and I brought some words from Mary […]
-+*So I took a break from teaching when I started writing books. I’ve taught on-line tarot and astrology for as long as I’ve been an astrologer. Remember all the Facebook groups and classes we used to do? Now I’m teaching again, one-on-one, and it’s a special time because I imagine […]
Folks have been asking me for more details so it’s forced me to think about it. I’m intuitive (i.e. silent processes) so it takes me time to put things into the words, but I’m gonna try!!! **** So what I envision is at least three months of working with me with […]
-+*From my Instagram: Yes I currently have room for Tarot students, but I do things my own way. I am an intuitive, idiosyncratic, analytical, Tarot obsessed, Tarot-loving teacher + decades of experience with the cards as a professional reader etc etc etc. 45 minute sessions. We can work weekly or […]
-+*This gets talked about in Tarot circles a lot — at least in my Tarot circles: drawing cards too much. Asking the same question over and over. The cards getting sassy. The cards getting sick of your shit. Are the cards sometimes drama queens? YES. People will say this about […]
-+*I let my Patrons know that I would be posting on my blog and social media today’s WEEKLY WONDER, the Tarot guidance for the week. You can become a Patron here. I put a cap on the $1 Tier but you can join us for $5 or higher. The reward […]
-+*I met with a friend in our second-choice restaurant. We love restaurants. A meal, a snack, a drink. And Tarot! And we have a first choice restaurant, especially for our Tarot draws, but it was a Sunday and the in between hours. I live in a small town now, no […]
-+*One of those mornings. Enjoying my coffee. Working. Email Readings, social media, the blog, to-do lists. The usual chatter of this self-employed life as an astrologer, card reader and all the other important stuff for which there are no words. Enjoying it too although tired. Was that a raccoon last […]
-+*This is what I posted on my Instagram this morning about my upcoming Tarot class.: I may just draw the Hanged Man over and over when I create my Tarot deck. 72 Hanged Man. Already I’m starting to think visually. And I’m the kind of person who will say: I […]
-+* Yesterday drawing cards with a fellow witch. We have these little sessions. We ask questions, find answers, hope for the best, and I was asking questions of various kinds and she drew this card for me and I’m not sure if it was advice or WHAT WILL HAPPEN but […]
-+* In my current class, I’m starting to talk about Getting Unstuck (which is the name of a series of Pema Chodron talks so I started listening again) and asked them to draw cards for themselves: Are they stuck? Actually stuck? The cards will say yes or no and HOW […]
-+*Sometimes your Tarot deck says ENOUGH! Quit asking me that! Usually it’s the Devil who shows up when I’m obsessing but any card is smart enough to say STFU. This happened to me today, under this Cancer/Capricorn sky. Sun, Mercury, Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn (not to mention […]
-+*Well, it wasn’t the first thing I thought about but I did my morning card draws – started with three and now I add a couple more with specific card positions and then asked a tangential question and BOOM Three of Swords. What? Huh? Why? And I thought to myself: […]
-+*A general card for the situation, a card for DO and a card for DON’T Situation, advice, caution. I do this spread daily. I got it from Rachel Pollack (got myself a reading from her a few years ago) but it’s been adapted a bit through use in the chat […]
-+*Every step forward takes so much courage. I am hard at work this morning and thinking about trauma and the Trauma Room which is not open yet and the tarot spreads I am creating. These are simple spreads for DEEP thinking about the cards and how they can help, answers […]
-+*The “Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop” Tarot Spread 1. This is the root of the trauma 2. This is a SKILL you now have because of the trauma or a PURPOSE for it i.e. I have all this painful experience so now what do I do with it??? […]
-+*There’s only one right answer for the girl or guy who wants love and been denied — that it’s coming and coming soon. Happily ever after. Truth is I have seen it. Confused clients barking up the wrong tree (mismatches, bad synastry) and then boom love walks in without warning. […]
-+*So this just happened and it surprised me. Drew for advice. OH TAROT WHAT DO I DO (about such and such)? Devil? Hold on? Chain myself? Huh? REALLY???? Yes, says the Devil. Hold on. Chain yourself. And then came the Four of Wands. The cards change, but they are always […]