-+*What is it that will come out of left field? This Full Moon is square Uranus. Who will surprise you? Who will be surprised? Questions without answers. Yet. It’s *just* a Full Moon. It’s not the beginning or the end. But Eclipse Season is coming. Mercury retrograde is coming and […]
New Moons and Full Moons
-+*People like to read about the hard transits. I always wrote about them. I don’t think I ever got over Uranus and Pluto squaring/opposing my Sun at the same time. My life IS the shape of the Uranus Pluto square from all those years ago. So now what? Pluto is […]
-+*I haven’t blogged in forever. I handed in the first draft of my new book on November 1st. Yesterday was my mother’s birthday, November 12th. Today is… I don’t know what today is. But I just did this homework assignment for school, a writing assignment, and it felt good but […]
-+*That feeling of things falling apart and coming together and falling apart and coming together in new ways. It could be a Full Moon in Aries thing, sure. Today’s Full Moon in Aries squared both Mars and Pluto. This can cause that falling apart/coming together feeling. It could be eclipse […]
-+*Everything reminds me of everything I’ve lost. A good friend said this to me the other day. She gave me permission to quote her. And I think it’s how this Full Moon might feel to some of us. There’s just so much… Saturn. Reality. But, remember, today is also Mercury […]
-+*Putting the new newsletter here because I never know where folks will find me… (Oops it has some weird formatting) Dearest Star Lovers, Every once in a while we get one of those Full Moons, a Full Moon to remember. I feel that way about the one coming up, on […]
-+*A little housekeeping before we begin: I’ve been blogging here since 2011, but last year I deleted tons of posts. I think maybe the earliest post now is from 2014? To book a Reading look here. You can also find me on Substack (and become a paid-subscriber to support my […]
-+*The heat. It’s getting to me. And I’m writing to you from inside. In the a/c. And I was supposed to get out tonight but I might not so here I am thinking about the VERY HOT North Node in Aries. Commercial break: Find me on Substack! Paid-Subs get ALL […]
-+*I’ll try to break it down for you, make it so you don’t need to know any astrology to know what’s going on in the sky (and thus with you). (Plus a reminder that I’m blogging here and on Substack because sometimes I write so much that I got to […]
-+*I’m blogging too much to put it all on Substack. When I do too much over there, people Unsubscribe so… maybe I’ll split my time. Put the overflow over here. Here is the Substack link though… where I mostly am, writing about astrology, tarot, magic, and my psychoanalysis life. It […]
-+*Transformation can be ugly and not everyone has the stomach for it but I kinda feel that when it’s knocking on the door, you have to answer. You can’t avoid it. Even if you don’t quite know what or which transformation it is and you might not even know for […]
-+*Under today’s Full Moon in Libra, I’m thinking about the end of love. It’s a pretty literal reading of this Full Moon but it’s what I’m feeling. Full Moon is an ending and Libra is love and there is probably a relationship leaving your life. I can relate. And just […]
-+*Grief is like heat. These days, it feels to me like heat, and I feel like it crawls on little feet, up the neck, down the neck. I know what you’re thinking: it’s a hot flash, honey. But seriously. There’s a lot of grief these days, too much, and plenty […]
-+*To HEAR this blog post instead of reading it I think I might be done talking about therapy. I’m not sure. You’ll find out soon enough. After ten months of very intense work with The Good Doctor, I’m kinda questioning the value of it (normal, I know) and what should […]
-+*I remember an early conversation (on zoom) that I had with my therapist. I said to him something like: I want to be fearless. I’m almost there. I’m this close. Looking back, I don’t know what I was thinking. It was a hard summer. And I was full of fear. […]
-+*I think there’s two things to do when an asshole enters (and exits) your life. You feel whatever the feelings are. Respect them. Follow them where they go. And then continue. Go on. Move on. Make progress. Back in 2020 I was dating this guy for a little while but […]
-+*I got a new Testimonial the other day! Aliza is the rare mix of accurate psychic, skilled astrologer, and clear counsel, giving you the message you need to hear in a way you can hear it. Her reading has helped me navigate changes and challenges with more grace and awareness […]
-+*You know, it’s been years since I’ve blogged consistently. If you’ve been reading here, if you know my work, you know it’s been years and that this blog is, well, old now — born in 2011. I was thinking last night: I was so young then. So young. It’s embarrassing […]
-+*Fuck the Full Moon. Fuck the New Moon. Fuck all the moons. So this evening I was talking to my books. Yes, talking to my books, and I don’t mean the books I’ve written: the Saturn book and the new one (which is out on Kindle but the print book […]
-+*So I’m trying to blog more regularly and I think I did it twice this week and that’s not so bad, considering. I’m still missing Dianna the Taurus but her spirit feels more and more far from me. I mean, I don’t think of her as much except when I […]
-+*Okay so I’ve been astrology blogging a long time and I was chatting with an acquaintance at the cafe this morning (one of many named Josh) about reinventing the wheel and how it’s hard to get excited about every New Moon and every Full Moon these days and astrology blogging […]
-+*Makes no sense to write about anything but the eclipse. That’s what we’re staring it. Pacific time, my book says 9:16 pm and it’s bathed in Venus square Neptune light and Venus Neptune is a problem in and of itself: nothing is clear right now (maybe a few things okay […]
-+*If you’re wondering why things feel like they’re falling apart, that everything is converging in your most vulnerable areas, you don’t have to look far for explanation. It’s eclipse season and I keep seeing and hearing stories of big change and crisis. God willing you have at least an area […]
-+*It’s okay if you do not know. Do not know what? What’s in store for you this year. You, like me, may enjoy YouTube, but even if you listen to 4757739292 astrologers and tarot readers you may still not know. Here’s an example: let’s say you’re Virgo Rising and listening to […]