*+-1 In some ways I’ve become my mother. I feel her face in my face. Her expressions. I’ve outlived her. I might be off by a few months. Her yartzeit is next month. She died during a leap year, a year when there were two Adars (Adar is the Hebrew […]
sun conjunct saturn
3 posts
*+-It’s okay if you do not know. Do not know what? What’s in store for you this year. You, like me, may enjoy YouTube, but even if you listen to 4757739292 astrologers and tarot readers you may still not know. Here’s an example: let’s say you’re Virgo Rising and listening to […]
*+- We have another interesting week on our hands and the SUN is in charge. I say the Sun is in charge because it’s the Sun making all these aspects to outer planets. And that’s not all. Venus enters Aquarius too. Sign changes are always big news but listen: we […]