*+-I keep forgetting it’s Eclipse Season. I need to stop forgetting that. This is the time of year when we can blame *everything* on the eclipses, and I’ll let you know when we need to stop doing that, and maybe that time is never. So it’s almost 9pm and I’m […]
santa muerte
*+-A quick one about this week. More to come. Mercury enters Cancer this week. Venus enters Leo this week. BOTH will aspect Uranus AND Chiron. Hard and soft aspects. The one I want to address first and in this blog post is the Venus Uranus square. You know the drill. […]
*+-Read me HERE, my meditation on death, my mother, and Santa Muerte I’ve been writing a lot about Chiron lately and here’s one more although I have something else on my mind too – this South Node-Mars conjunction in Aquarius which I admit I had not even noticed until someone […]
*+-I’m having feelings today. Remember I warned you about this weekend. To not look for happiness but instead gnaw on the bone of dissatisfaction. My warning was all about the moon (feelings). Where did I put my book I don’t know, my book which has the details. Probably in my […]
I think my best writing these days is for Patheos Pagan, but as usual I’ll try to keep up here. And there’s Facebook! I regularly post astro updates over there! New column is up at Patheos though – Breaking Up With Santa Muerte. *** I don’t want to write […]
*+-In the current class and in the chat room folks are talking about Black Moon Lillith. She’s in Sagittarius now, having left the sign of Scorpio. (According to my phone app she “circles around the chart every nine years” and “represents the apogee of the lunar orbit, where it lies […]
*+-When a saint calls to you, I think you should listen. You don’t have to commit. But you should listen. No matter the saint or spirit. At least acknowledge it is happening. That’s what happened to me. Here’s Part One. I saw her face and that was it. The Sun […]
*+-So basically I had a year long love affair with Santa Muerte and I didn’t talk about it. I didn’t tell anyone. But she called me. The first time I saw her, ever, it was love. I wanted to know her. If you don’t know who she is, then just […]