*+-Things are… a little weird. Not weird bad. Just weird. And this morning I realized that I called a client BY THE WRONG NAME. How Freudian-slip of me. I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I may mispronounce a name on occasion but a differently name entirely? That’s weird. I […]
mars in aquarius
*+-I keep talking about February being an incredible month, part Aquarius, part Pisces, part WOW! And yet this week is slow. Maybe. On the surface. Maybe. To get my full thoughts and feelings ya gotta be a Patron at the Astrology Tier or higher but I can tell you THIS: […]
*+-A good friend of mine sent me a shidduch resume. Let me translate for you. My friend is a religious woman. That’s the word I use. She would use a different word. I also like the word pious. She’s a pious Jew and I’ve known her a long time, she’s […]
*+-Action precedes motivation. I learned this phrase decades ago from a friend who was in a Depressed Anonymous group. I said it to someone today. During Mars retrograde you may feel stuck, stymied, in prison. You may feel low ambition, low confidence, low self esteem. Anxiety. Existential dread. You can’t […]
*+-Folks are getting the books they pre-ordered! Look here. It comes out June 1st officially but I’ve heard that books are coming Monday! The relief I feel that Mercury enters Taurus this weekend. Mercury went retrograde while in Aries and I found this one particularly difficult (although I also do […]