*+-You can’t solve emotional problems without addressing your emotions. And, spoiler alert, many “problems” are “emotional problems.” People don’t realize this though. What I mean is that… buying more books isn’t going to fix your cousin who is wasting away in a nursing home. Buying more books isn’t going to […]
full moon in capricorn
*+-I remember when I had my Pluto square Pluto transit. I was studying astrology. I was loving astrology. But even though I was meeting these cool people and learning this cool stuff and I remember walking home with my Pisces friend, to the train, and not knowing where it would […]
*+-A few thoughts on today’s Full Moon Eclipse (July 4, 2020). Follow me on Facebook! Dear monsters: That this could be a Full Moon of self-loathing and I want to encourage you not to fall into the pit and you’re gonna want to fall into the pit and never get […]
*+-Ohhhhh this week this week this week this week feels dark and harsh to me. I had a cold. I had to reschedule people. Getting back to work BUT THIS SKY. Today we had a Sun Saturn opposition (harsh) and the Full Moon (tonight/tomorrow) is also harsh. WHY? Again, because […]
*+-I’m feeling it too. The Full Moon coming in. Here’s my Full Moon post from Patheos Pagan. In this post I want to talk about how it feels because I feel it, this Capricorn Full Moon, and on my Facebook I posted that I consider myself EXPERT LEVEL in feelings […]