*+-Working on my book, working on my writing, listening to Bon Iver, and taking a small blogging break before I get back to it. How are you? That was one of the last things my mother said to me before she died. She was in the hospital at the time. […]
cancer season
*+-I had to take a break from everything else so that I could look at this sky. I know I’m not the only one. And I’m grateful that my clients are reaching out, old ones and new ones but C’MON SKY! Pluto is out of Capricorn (for the moment) and […]
*+-You have one job now (is what I tell myself). What is your ONE JOB? I have a book to write. That’s it. And I know yeah there’s other stuff. Work. Bathing. Getting up each day. The daily. I miss Gemini Season already. We were fast. We were sleek. We […]
*+-Find me on Substack for more astrology, tarot, magic, psychoanalysis, daily life in the big city. To book a reading, email me: moonpluto@gmail.com or look here. xo
*+-I was listening to a podcast just now (I have a couple favorites) and the host was saying “self help” but what I heard was “self hate” and I thought this was funny, and this morning I exercised first thing, and there was a moment when a part of my […]
*+-Let’s talk about Cancer Season. I have my Sun, Mercury, and Mars there. And that stellium squares my Jupiter. That’s a lot of moon. Jupiter EXPANDS what it touches. I’m far from unbiased. I have a blind spot. Unlikely I can see Cancer Season clearly and what we need to […]