*+-To book a Reading, look here Perspectives are shifting. Direct revelations. A new moon coming up. Mercury retrograde. Venus direct. The landscape of the next couple weeks is jumpy. And yet…. don’t you feel things settling down? I do. It’s not just me and my personal transits. Life may feel like […]
Venus in Leo
*+-Two years. It took me two years to write a book, a novel. I didn’t realize it was a novel at the time. And I finished it the summer of 2022 and then queried agent after agent, jumping through the necessary literary agent hoops and probably queried nearly a hundred agents […]
*+-I’m feeling awfully angsty. I’m on a search for authenticity: my own! But it’s a quiet angst. I had a good walk today. Got some energy out. Had a lovely time this morning with a fire sign friend who was on a mission, a caper, and I got to be […]
*+-I have to spend some time every day in another world. I have to. For sanity. Meditation, trance state, dream state, creative state. Call it flow. Call it gone. Call it away. Call it far far away. Travel. Journeying. Hyperfocus? Dissociation? Creativity? Imagination. I create therefore I am. And I’m […]
*+-Grief is so hard because people don’t wanna hear about it, mental health “professionals” included. They will try to talk you out of it, out of your feelings, offer platitudes, stupidities. Well-meaning friends will assume you haven’t found God or your potential. There are all kinds of ways to invalidate […]
*+-It’s been such an honor to do this work. It’s always been more than “chart reading.” I don’t even like doing natal chart readings. What I like and what I do… it’s always been deeper. There are some clients I’ve been working with since… 2011/2012. I’m so much older than […]
*+-I need to write another book. There are a few things I need. I’m not sure a Substack is one of them, but a German shepherd might be. I actually started a new book but before I even started it (slowly writing the introduction to it, for a book proposal) […]
*+-I’ve got all these decisions to make. Or maybe it’s just one decision, and I’m more open on my Patreon than I used to be. My boundaries are less rigid. Used to be a time I wouldn’t accept a gift from a client. For most of my career I was […]
*+-I feel like I’ve come out of a dark time, a dark wood. Some of the astrology: eclipse season, Mercury retrograde, but I believe it was more than that. An exorcism that a friend did for me. Neither of us intended this (it’s not on her menu of spiritual services) […]
*+-I find it hard to write about astrology these days and “these days” has lasted a couple years now. Once upon a time I blogged all the time, but no longer. I try to transition to other mediums to talk shop, but those don’t stick either. In short, I’m at a […]
*+-What you need is a life that gives you life. This is what I was thinking while taking the subway for the first time in three and half years, and I left a voice message for my friend wondering why I ever went to Manhattan when there was so much […]
*+-Do you have a Venus Saturn aspect in your chart? A hard aspect? Just posted this on my Facebook: Protective in the right way, protective in the wrong way. Saturn = limitation, safety, protection. Thinking of Venus Saturn hard aspects in the natal or by transit – Protective in the […]