*+-“A little older, a little more confused.” -Dennis Hopper in The American Friend * The best thing I ever did was stop writing at the school library. I have a book to write, a deadline to meet. Grateful for that. And, early on, I thought okay I would make the […]
Mars in Gemini
*+-I’m thinking a lot about anger and decisions. Mars is in Gemini. We don’t know what we want exactly. We don’t know what we want, inexactly. But we yearn and our ambition is pushing us somewhere, but where. I don’t want to quit but I am wondering if the institute […]
*+-My analyst acts like we have all the time in the world. I don’t know how old he is, but he’s older than me. Today I asked him what something meant. “Symbolically,” I said. What does it mean symbolically? And as I sit here typing to you I can’t remember […]
*+-I listened to the same music over and over when I was writing my memoir (and yes I am still agent-hunting). When I listen to that music now, it takes me back to how I felt when I was writing it: intensity, hunger, longing. But the book is funny — […]
*+-The transit of the moment. The least you need to know. News you can use! You may already be feeeeeeeeeling it. I AM FEELING IT. Break out the fireworks, my friends. Here we go. MARS GOES DIRECT THIS WEEK. Thursday! Today I did a long rambling storytime audio for Patrons […]
*+-More often than not, I don’t understand my own nature. I’m scared all the time *and* I do things that scare me ALL the time. And there’s lots of stuff that doesn’t scare me in the slightest and I do those things too. But it’s the fear stuff that fascinates […]
*+-We’re in the midst of a long angry slog by the name of Mars retrograde and this week we have a Full Moon in Mars Retrograde in Gemini. Where are the boundaries? What needs to be said? Gemini rules speech. Everything means something and nothing means anything. I’m at that point […]
*+-I was sitting in class (on Zoom) thinking about emptiness which I guess makes sense with Zoom. Zoom class is there and not there, impersonal. And remembering that I need to tell you that I unpublished YEARS of blog posts. Long story. I’m not even sure where the blog begins […]
*+-After my therapy came to an end, I had a story to tell and I told it. I told it and told it and told it. I told it to the 20 or 30 therapists I interviewed in the hopes of finding him in a new form. I wanted a […]
*+-Thinking about Mars going retrograde at the end of this month and thinking about my new analyst. My first analyst actually. Whereas before there was “therapy” now there is “analysis” and I have a feeling he’s not typical and I think that’s a theme with me. For better or worse, […]
*+-I had so many losses in the spring and early summer of 2022 but only good has come from that time. Only good. I lost my therapist who I hated and loved. I lost friends, some old, some new. Is that all? Maybe that’s enough. Did I lose my mind? […]
*+-At this point it would not be inaccurate to say that your life has become a prison and the transits of this time are pushing you to break free. Not only the upcoming long Mars in Gemini transit and the recent Mars Uranus North Node situation but also the Jupiter […]
*+-Y’all gonna tell me I’m crazy when I tell you that the long long Mars in Gemini transit is gonna help you straighten out your life. And that might be all I have to stay about the matter (for now). And I hear you yelling at me OY VEY ALIZA […]
*+-Gemini Season begins next week with the Sun and Mercury entering the sign on the same day – Tuesday May 21st. Now remember that Mars (aggression, initiation, energy, passion) just left Gemini and hadn’t been there for a couple years. That part of your chart was tending to other planetary […]
*+-To soothe your Root Chakra (yes, soothe, not fix not heal), clean your house. This can be as simple as a simple sweep but what I find SO difficult is, again, this perfectionism which is at the root of Venus Chiron square Saturn pain: it won’t ever be perfect. It […]