*+-I feel old school because I am old school, still blogging, writing (and no AI ever) while everyone else is filming (and podcasting) their astrology thoughts and what have you. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m a writer (and a helper). Always been a writer. Although just […]
Psychoanalysis and astrology
*+-Today on the phone with a client, right before we hang up, I tell her if I don’t adjust the blinds, I’ll have ten construction guys looking in my window, that’s how close they were. She said to me, “Well, you can give them a show.” I laughed, making the […]
*+-Looking for a sure thing on the verge of such important transits (Pluto in Aquarius anyone?) is hilarious at best. A sure thing? Certainty? I’m making a face as I type this. Impossible! Pluto entering Aquarius for the next twenty years (another Capricorn rx this year, notwithstanding) is huge news. […]
*+-Every day another update. My usual refrain: the world has changed. No, I don’t want to install the latest version of blah blah blah. I want to think about the sky. Commercial break! Subscribe to my Substack where I also write about astrology, tarot, magic, and psychoanalysis. I stopped blogging […]
*+-My analyst acts like we have all the time in the world. I don’t know how old he is, but he’s older than me. Today I asked him what something meant. “Symbolically,” I said. What does it mean symbolically? And as I sit here typing to you I can’t remember […]
*+-So I just got off the phone with one of my Tarot people. I teach Tarot one on one (old school!) and for special students only meaning that… it has to be just right. They have to be the right student for me and I’m the right teacher for them […]
*+-You have to understand (I say to my analyst): I’ve been out of circulation for a long time. What I mean is: not just Covid. Not just pandemic time. I mean, I’ve been self-employed for decades and that’s how I like it. I was a pet sitter (working totally alone […]
*+-When I die, sprinkle my ashes over the diners of New York City is what I think to myself as I walk home from my morning walk and pancakes. Nice cold crisp weather, below zero in actual temperature and real feel. Finally got my layers right this morning and am horrified […]
*+-Sometimes I don’t mind when clients/students cancel (ahead of time, that is). It lets me recreate my day. Today is cancellation day so it seems and my friend Christopher also cancelled coming to NYC (he’s not feeling well) but I’ve got an errand to run and lots of reading to […]