*+-First, a story: Some years ago, I had a friend who was schizophrenic, and she would go off her medication with some regularity and would wind up back in the hospital after violent behavior. She lived in a boarding house run by a kindly woman who took in all kind […]
moon conjunct chiron
*+-I like the spontaneous conversation with Katie (who has a Moon Chiron conjunction) that developed on my Burning Bridges post on Facebook. It is by no means the last word on any of this. Here’s part of the conversation: Her: Now I’m wondering how much Moon Pluto is like Moon […]
*+-The New Moon this weekend is at 26 degrees Pisces so it’s time to check your chart and think about what this could mean for you. Something new? Ordinary New Moons are ordinary New Moons. Sometimes they fit a pattern that’s easy to see and sometimes… who knows? Nevertheless, it’s […]
*+-From some experiences we do not recover. Life hands them over like terrible hostages. Or maybe you are the hostage of the bad dream that came to life. I’ll tell you right now what to do about it: feel the feeling and let it go. Now what does this mean: […]
*+-I would not be surprised if you still feel the effects of the Full Moon Eclipse, not surprised at all (i.e. crazy emotional or just crazy or just emotional) and keep in mind as well that Libra Moon in general may not be doing your chart any favors. Think about […]