*+-People like to read about the hard transits. I always wrote about them. I don’t think I ever got over Uranus and Pluto squaring/opposing my Sun at the same time. My life IS the shape of the Uranus Pluto square from all those years ago. So now what? Pluto is […]
sun opposite pluto
*+-That was a serious rough patch, y’all. I had a mild concussion. All my clients and Tarot students were up in arms. Bad shit. I can’t remember the last time we had a week like this, collectively. Was it the Sun Pluto opposition alone? I’m not sure. Maybe we’ll never […]
*+-Today we had a Sun Pluto opposition in the sky (Sun in Leo/Pluto in Aquarius) and lately I’ve had a bizarre amount of Moon conjunct Pluto clients (new and old) so of course it’s got me thinking about Pluto and Pluto people and how hard it is to, well, feel […]
*+-I was washing the dishes just now wondering if there was an anniversary that I was forgetting. My Kitty died in the late fall/early winter season, as did Cleo. Neither my father’s (nor mother’s) birth or death dates were summer dates. And then I remembered: Goldy. And I dug around […]
*+-Life update: I’m blogging a lot these days, here and on Substack. You can subscribe to my Substack – for free — but also as a paid-subscriber. Paid subs get MORE posts (i.e. all the posts) including the WRITING PROMPTS. New one coming up this weekend. I have it scheduled […]
*+-I just deleted a bunch of stuff from this blog post. The entire first paragraph! It was about a certain Scorpio. I might tell this story another time. Let me do the commercials and links before we talk astrology: To book a Reading go here (and it’s busy but I […]
*+-Cunt. A cunt of a transit. Here I am blaming the eclipses, and there is that, but the Sun Pluto opposition (which was exact on Saturday) has been active ALL CANCER SEASON since Cancer Season essentially is a Sun Pluto opposition. There’s nothing else to know. Nothing else to understand […]
*+-So the Sun Pluto opposition is exact today and one way we can think of the Sun Pluto opposition is that the monster is inside us, not outside us. This is not true in all cases. And it may be both, inside and outside. You have an enemy over there […]
*+-I’m feeling it too. The Full Moon coming in. Here’s my Full Moon post from Patheos Pagan. In this post I want to talk about how it feels because I feel it, this Capricorn Full Moon, and on my Facebook I posted that I consider myself EXPERT LEVEL in feelings […]
*+-Sometimes your Tarot deck says ENOUGH! Quit asking me that! Usually it’s the Devil who shows up when I’m obsessing but any card is smart enough to say STFU. This happened to me today, under this Cancer/Capricorn sky. Sun, Mercury, Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn (not to mention […]