*+-You have one job now (is what I tell myself). What is your ONE JOB? I have a book to write. That’s it. And I know yeah there’s other stuff. Work. Bathing. Getting up each day. The daily. I miss Gemini Season already. We were fast. We were sleek. We […]
mercury in cancer
*+-I’m a writer but maybe I was a helper before I was a writer — able to contain the pain of others. A job given to me but also my nature. Yesterday with my cousin, her pulse speeding away, I felt in my element, completely calm, soothing, even distracting her […]
*+-Some thoughts on this weekend’s astrology: Two big events. Chiron goes retrograde. Mercury goes direct. They are related because they are both happening in such a short span of time. One in Aries, the other in Cancer, two signs (astrologers tell us) that are at odds with each other. Aries […]
*+-In astrology, the sign of Cancer is associated with home (among other things). Mercury enters Cancer today. Mars is already in Cancer. The Moon will be in Cancer for a couple days this week, and about a month from now we will experience the first of the summer eclipses, this […]
*+-I haven’t forgotten you sweet Mercury in Cancer! Mars goes direct that same day – this Wednesday. Mercury will enter the sweet crabby mama-bear-crab sign. She is loyal, protective, hates to hurt people’s feelings (works to prevent it even at her detriment thus she will hold her tongue even when […]
*+-Let’s talk about Cancer Season. I have my Sun, Mercury, and Mars there. And that stellium squares my Jupiter. That’s a lot of moon. Jupiter EXPANDS what it touches. I’m far from unbiased. I have a blind spot. Unlikely I can see Cancer Season clearly and what we need to […]