*+-That weekend is here – the one that everybody is talking about. It’s so shiny. We have a Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus situation happening. It’s harmonious for the most part. In the midst of the harmony is a Jupiter Uranus opposition (oppositions are disagreements) and honestly some of you may […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
*+-Even though the liberating SUN URANUS trine still exists over the early part of the week and MORE TRUTHS COME OUT (very true for my day!), the rest of the week is without major aspect, just the Moon. A FULL MOON. In Gemini. 22 degrees. Okay everybody CHECK YOUR CHART. I’m […]
*+- We have another interesting week on our hands and the SUN is in charge. I say the Sun is in charge because it’s the Sun making all these aspects to outer planets. And that’s not all. Venus enters Aquarius too. Sign changes are always big news but listen: we […]
*+- It would be wrong of me NOT to talk about the Venus Uranus square even though it’s over in its exactness. It “perfected” earlier today but it had been in orb, in play, and it will continue to be so – for a day or two thus love continues […]
*+-I want to talk to you about Neptune and love and fear — in part because Neptune is direct now. In part because the New Moon in Sagittarius will square Neptune and the truth can be hard to find and define, even on a good day. Sagittarius is the truth […]
*+-I know, I know. I’m not here much. The best way to keep in touch with me is to follow or friend me on Facebook. I post more on my personal page and then try to remember to duplicate those posts on my biz page. Personal FB Biz FB Also […]
*+-Full Moon in Taurus – 22 degrees. Monday, November 14th. What’s interesting about this Full Moon is how quiet it seems to be. Seems. There is a sextile (easy aspect) to wounded healer Chiron in Pisces but a square (tense) to goddess asteroid Pallas Athena in logical Aquarius. Now, Pallas is […]
*+- In response to a client who wishes she’d never been born – and is having a dark night (or two or three) of the soul- I said to her, among other things: nothing and no one is stopping you from leading the life you want (and it’s true). Some […]
*+-Two things to get us started. First one is about love and fate vs. free will. So today I was talking to a gal and she got the REALLY GOOD CARDS in regards to love and this man that she has been in love with forever and in fact I […]
*+- What to do when you’ve lost so much and you want to die. Good question, eh? This came up in consult today… BUT WAIT. I wanted to talk about why tomorrow is a good day. I’ll tell you. Venus is sextile Jupiter tomorrow. In the most plain of plain […]
*+- What else to tell you about Scorpio Season? It’s dark. It’s quiet. I say this as the dog is barking next door and the cat is trying to jump up on the little table where I’m typing this. And the other cat just ran like a lunatic down the […]
*+-When a saint calls to you, I think you should listen. You don’t have to commit. But you should listen. No matter the saint or spirit. At least acknowledge it is happening. That’s what happened to me. Here’s Part One. I saw her face and that was it. The Sun […]
*+-So basically I had a year long love affair with Santa Muerte and I didn’t talk about it. I didn’t tell anyone. But she called me. The first time I saw her, ever, it was love. I wanted to know her. If you don’t know who she is, then just […]
*+-I feel like I’m running behind – on the blog. Didn’t even realize until just now that the Sun enters Scorpio on Saturday. Do you like Scorpio Season? The Full Moon was difficult. The days following the Full Moon were difficult. I think I lost track. I also got some […]
*+- Of course it figures. Thursday, the Moon is in Cancer and thus will oppose the Mars Pluto conjunction (which is exact on Wednesday). Let me back up a little. We have a Grand Cross this week – in cardinal signs. Remember we have Sun, Mercury, Jupiter in Libra. Uranus […]
*+-Damaged in every way. There is a freedom in it. To feel this level of, well, it’s self acceptance actually. To make friends with your inner self loathing. You have no mask then. You are totally wide open. And then anything can happen. And it’s become a joke to me […]
*+- What calms you down? Find it this week. Find it today. You may need it. Remember what helps. I don’t know about you, but myself and most that I know are having pretty intense days and the Full Moon, which is conjunct wild Uranus, is this weekend, and is […]
*+-Yesterday for me was an oddly difficult day and I’m not sure why, not sure what was being triggered but today should be better. We have an upbeat exact Mercury Jupiter conjunction and OH I did predict today would be good but I think maybe I posted about it only […]
*+-Mars is angry. This is textbook astrology. Open Rex Bills and you’ll read that Mars rules axes and assault. Mars rules boasting. Mars rules combat. Mars rules cruelty but also courage. We all have Mars somewhere. We are all violent somewhere. We all kill somewhere. Mars rules FORCE, fearlessness, and […]
*+-It’s simple to me this weekend – despite the busyness of Friday. What happens Friday? Mercury changes sign — from Virgo to Libra and remember it was a long stay in Virgo due to the retrograde. Also the Sun in Libra squares Pluto. Does it feel too much to you? […]
*+-You can follow me on Facebook. You can friend me on Facebook. Either one is fine with me. You can email me moonpluto@gmail.com. I’m on Twitter too but not on there much lately. Instagram too. For information about the Tarot Group or the Asteroid Group please send me a message! […]
*+-Today and tomorrow are fine — good aspects: Scorpio Moon getting along with Neptune and Venus and Pluto and Chiron and Mercury… Sun sextile Saturn exact tomorrow. Sun in Libra. Saturn in Sagittarius. Business as usual. Business is good. BUT then we have the rest of the week which includes […]
*+-New Moon in Libra at 8 degrees — this Friday. Mars entered Capricorn this morning. It’s Tuesday as I write this. Pluto went direct yesterday. Virgo Moon Wednesday and Thursday. Work work work work. This is a WORK sky. New Moon aspects in addition to the usual (a Sun Moon […]
*+- From my Facebook today: We must not believe that because it hasn’t happened yet that it will never happen. Health. Happiness. Success. Money. Whatever the need is. Love. Don’t accept that if you have struggled your entire life that it will remain so. My life continually surprises me and […]