*+-I am feeling those squares to Chiron which is also my natal Chiron (in Aries): Mercury and Mars by degree this week (not just by sign) and here comes Venus into Capricorn also squaring Chiron, and Pluto has left the Capricorn part of your chart so there is A SPACE […]
venus square chiron
*+-Little moments can take you out of yourself, good OR bad. I had one of these today – was feeling fine and then I got a “little moment” and I felt out of my inner peace into something darker and Chiron. It was all Chiron. A Chiron moment. Here is […]
*+-So we need to talk about this Venus Chiron situation. My previous blog post was a bit controversial, but in a good way. I had people complaining, as people tend to do, but MORE people coming to me and saying YES and thanking me. But let’s move on, for a […]
*+- In response to a client who wishes she’d never been born – and is having a dark night (or two or three) of the soul- I said to her, among other things: nothing and no one is stopping you from leading the life you want (and it’s true). Some […]