*+-I don’t know why you haven’t found love yet, and yes it does concern me. You aren’t the only one I talk to who hasn’t found love. I don’t mean to make you sound un-special because you are special. You are unique. I just mean you aren’t alone in this. […]
jupiter in libra
*+-It’s only through relationship that we find out who we are and where we’re at — at any given moment. I have a new post on Patheos Pagan that speaks to this somewhat. It’s about Leo Season coming up and also a reminder about the Eclipses this August. Yes, they are […]
*+- From my Facebook today: We must not believe that because it hasn’t happened yet that it will never happen. Health. Happiness. Success. Money. Whatever the need is. Love. Don’t accept that if you have struggled your entire life that it will remain so. My life continually surprises me and […]
*+-Faith takes work. Faith is a practice. I’m not sure anyone ever perfects it. We all have moments of doubt. And this, I think, is good news. I know, I know, Jupiter is not in Virgo anymore and for that I am grateful. Jupiter expands our alone-ness. Virgo the Virgin, […]
*+-If you are interested in joining one of my chatrooms, please message me at moonpluto@gmail.com. I’ll give you the details. * Jupiter expands what it touches. We are taught this thing one in astrology school. It may be the first thing I ever learned about Jupiter. And for those of […]
*+-Basically you should learn to be nice. Nicer. Nicer than you have been. I experienced this today. I got the reminder. I tend to get this reminder even though Jupiter in Libra is my natal placement it squares my Cancer stellium especially my Mercury MARS conjunction so my nice can […]
*+-I’m not going to write one big Jupiter in Libra blog post. I’m going to keep talking about Jupiter in Libra — all year long. Jupiter leaves Virgo and enters Libra September 9th MERE DAYS FROM NOW — and shall remain there until October 2017, a little more than a […]
*+-Venus entering Libra this year is special. Why? I know you know! Because JUPITER enters Libra September 9th – while we are in high Virgo Season with the Sun in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo (Mercury goes rx on Tuesday) and the coming Eclipses on the 1st and 16th of […]
*+-Jupiter enters LIBRA in September. Remember that Libra is a cardinal sign so the cardinal signs (Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn) will be even more in the spotlight again once Jupiter moves from Virgo to Libra. Also, Libra is part of the first opposition. Aries is the first sign. ME. ME […]
*+-I’ve been posting a lot on my Facebook about Jupiter in Libra – “ about how manners will be in vogue. No, not just in vogue. REQUIRED. And talked about. And about the topic of relationships taking up time in our heads instead of Virgo ideals (literally and metaphorically that […]