Sun Square Neptune: LOST


It would be wrong of me NOT to talk about the Venus Uranus square even though it’s over in its exactness.

It “perfected” earlier today but it had been in orb, in play, and it will continue to be so – for a day or two thus love continues to be surprising and shocking and WTF.

That is the nature of Uranus. Surprising and shocking and WTF. Love comes. Love goes. And so on and so on and so on.

Tomorrow doesn’t help matters much – we’re under a Sun Neptune square. We are under this square now. Confusion. If you, reading this, are not confused, then you have my admiration, truly. This is exactly what the New Moon did – squared Neptune. The lostness and the loneliness continue.

Listen: I’m sorry for the gloomy forecast but that’s the weather right now. If you want a silver lining though I’ve got one for you–

On Thursday Mars in Aquarius will trine Jupiter in Libra and Chiron goes direct. I like the Mars Jupiter because Mars is pushy and in a trine it’s less abrasive and with Jupiter it’s lucky. Some good comes out of this week after all.

And as for Chiron? Well, you definitely have to return to your Pisces House because Neptune went direct already and now Chiron and that thing you’ve been avoiding or not ready for is… back.
