*+-Yeah you know it. Astrology writing is boring if it isn’t deep enough. Here I can tell you WATCH YOUR BACK like I did yesterday or the day before about this sky and tomorrow’s sky and it’s still true but not what I want to tell you today. Instead I […]
sun square neptune
3 posts
*+-Someone I’ve known for a while gave me high praise the other day. She was happy to read my WET blog post, posting on Facebook that it felt like “classic Aliza.” This made me so happy that I have folks who’ve been reading me for so long, my witnesses. I […]
*+- It would be wrong of me NOT to talk about the Venus Uranus square even though it’s over in its exactness. It “perfected” earlier today but it had been in orb, in play, and it will continue to be so – for a day or two thus love continues […]