*+-I’m having feelings today. Remember I warned you about this weekend. To not look for happiness but instead gnaw on the bone of dissatisfaction. My warning was all about the moon (feelings). Where did I put my book I don’t know, my book which has the details. Probably in my […]
moon square mars
*+-New Moon in Libra at 8 degrees — this Friday. Mars entered Capricorn this morning. It’s Tuesday as I write this. Pluto went direct yesterday. Virgo Moon Wednesday and Thursday. Work work work work. This is a WORK sky. New Moon aspects in addition to the usual (a Sun Moon […]
*+-Next week is a big one — Monday: Mercury conjoins Venus in Virgo and then Venus enters Libra Tuesday: Mercury goes retrograde (at 29 Virgo) Thursday and the purpose of this blog post: Solar Eclipse – New Moon in Virgo at 9 degrees Important to note this: Eclipse in Virgo/New […]
*+-I know I know I haven’t blogged in forever. I am far more active on my Facebook page – posting updates there – on my personal and business page. And some on Instagram. Less with the blog. When I think: okay time to check in! It’s no longer about checking […]