-+*I did not think or did not realize this was the season of breakthrough. Cancer Season. Tears, memories, feelings but breakthroughs? And I usually say don’t worry about the Golden Dawn astrological correspondences for the Tarot but WOW I am feeling Cancer/Chariot right now. Or might it be Mars gaining […]
Planetary Round-Up
-+*I had to take a break from everything else so that I could look at this sky. I know I’m not the only one. And I’m grateful that my clients are reaching out, old ones and new ones but C’MON SKY! Pluto is out of Capricorn (for the moment) and […]
-+*Damn. I just did something really difficult. One of those rip off the bandaid things and LISTEN I don’t know anyone who is having a fun and frolicsome Cancer Season. I pretty much hate summer. And maybe there’s a band-aid YOU need to rip off. I keep hearing about all […]
-+*You have one job now (is what I tell myself). What is your ONE JOB? I have a book to write. That’s it. And I know yeah there’s other stuff. Work. Bathing. Getting up each day. The daily. I miss Gemini Season already. We were fast. We were sleek. We […]
-+*Lately new folks are finding my blog and I was trying to write an ALL ABOUT ME post just now but it was getting on my nerves so let’s get back to the astrology, shall we? (I’ve been blogging since 2011.) I had a good day. Yes, working on Shabbat. […]
-+*Incoming good mood! This weekend’s Venus Neptune square is in orb already and perfects on Sunday and yes it can cause confusion/illusion/delusion 100% (don’t get married this weekend) but my experience with this energy is some kinda bliss AND Venus enters Cancer on Sunday so… inspiration over efficiency? Love over […]
-+*Is the hard part over? We had an ugly Mars Pluto. We’re finishing up an ugly Mercury Saturn. What to do? Are you still awake, still listening, ALIVE AND ON YOUR KNEES due to, once again, the Gods knocking you down? The answer, dear star lovers: touch the Chiron. I […]
-+*I don’t know anyone who isn’t feeling frazzled right now. Gemini Season *and* Jupiter in Gemini? Yeah. That’ll do it. Sometimes I wonder if a good night’s sleep is a thing of the past. The mind won’t stop. It can feel like too much. My intuition is to go ahead […]
-+*Finally a transit for the WRITERS, big words, a lot of words. Jupiter expands what it touches and Gemini is the words, the writing, writers. THE MIND. Gemini is associated with Mercury and Jupiter with Sagittarius and put these two together (Jupiter in Gemini) and you get… words that will […]
-+*1 Think back to 2012/2013. What stands out to you about your own life? That’s the last time Jupiter was in Gemini. In 2011, I launched my astrology “career.” By “launch” I mean that I started this blog and started tweeting and by career I mean I went from being […]
-+*New post is up at the Substack I’m sitting at my favorite Brooklyn cafe. The owners and workers are friendly. The food and coffee is good. I even like the music which isn’t too loud. AND THE BATHROOM IS CLEAN AND EXCELLENT. I always judge a coffee shop on its […]
-+*Time to write. It’s the most important thing I do. Someone told me yesterday that they love my blog and it made me feel good. I hope you get a message that makes you feel good today. Oh and for those of you who love the writing, please know I […]
-+*It’s like a crank. It’s like a lever. I don’t know what the F it is. But you’re pulling it back, you’re pulling it towards you, and it’s setting everything in motion even though you don’t even need to pull it. The pulling is an afterthought, a metaphor, a ritual, […]
-+*So we’ve been through it and we’re not done yet. Mercury retrograde still here. Aries Season still here. Eclipse Season: STILL HERE although we’re done for now with fresh eclipses until the fall. Am I missing anything? Oh yeah we went all Mars Saturn as well. That was rough. I […]
-+*I feel old school because I am old school, still blogging, writing (and no AI ever) while everyone else is filming (and podcasting) their astrology thoughts and what have you. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m a writer (and a helper). Always been a writer. Although just […]
-+*That if you really want it or love it, it’ll get taken from you. It’s a lesson from childhood so you repeat it, and it’s a lesson from everyone’s childhood. So then what happens is you devalue it, destroy it. Better them than you, right? And better to see this […]
-+*So I lit my Shabbos candles and poured myself a glass of kiddush wine and might even go to shul tomorrow morning, but here I am blogging — and I wasn’t planning on blogging tonight — but the sky is just so BUSY, and I’ve got Chiron on my mind. […]
-+*Are you feeling the calm before the storm or the storm before the calm? It rained yesterday and it’s supposed to rain all day today. Into every life a little Mercury retrograde must fall. Mercury goes retro April 1st in ARIES. Isabel Hickey says about Aries: “Don’t try to direct […]
-+*I feel like I forgot this blog existed. School, for me, is a creative process, but it’s a lot of taking in: reading, reading, reading. And reading isn’t passive but… suddenly I realized I hadn’t blogged here or on the Substack or sent out a newsletter in a little bit. […]
-+*1 In some ways I’ve become my mother. I feel her face in my face. Her expressions. I’ve outlived her. I might be off by a few months. Her yartzeit is next month. She died during a leap year, a year when there were two Adars (Adar is the Hebrew […]
-+*Chiron square Sun, Chiron opposite Sun, Chiron conjunct Sun. I’m not going to make a distinction between these three in this blog post, but I can tell you that Chiron has been squaring my Sun for a while now (I stopped counting for how long) *and* I have this in […]
-+*Thinking about playing cards with my niece and how I don’t care who wins or loses. I mean, I don’t care if I win. It’s not so much a game of brains but quick reflexes. It’s late on a Friday night and occasionally I rise to the occasion to see […]
-+*Today on the phone with a client, right before we hang up, I tell her if I don’t adjust the blinds, I’ll have ten construction guys looking in my window, that’s how close they were. She said to me, “Well, you can give them a show.” I laughed, making the […]
-+*It’s Pisces Season now and Mercury enters Pisces this week too, but you know what? It’s ALWAYS Aquarius Season for the next twenty years because Pluto is in Aquarius (except for another quick dip into previous sign Capricorn this year for a few months). Pisces Season. What does it mean to […]