*+-*this blog post was written super fast. Apologies for extra bad grammar* The other day I was listening to an astrologer on YouTube practically begging for people to listen to real astrologers (“like me” she said), and I thought this was interesting because when I started there were very few […]
saturn in pisces
*+-God I wish it were cold out. When will it happen? It feels like endless summer here in the big city. I’d love to go for a walk but damn it’s so hot and bright out. Good thing I’ve got Virgo Season shit to do, and I may still head […]
*+-My pal Katie gave me high praise today. I was posting on Instagram some pages from my Saturn book (Kindle screen shots) and she wrote me that my book made her cry for being seen. She’s hoping for a Little Book of Pluto. Maybe someday! It could be. She wrote […]
*+-All y’all looking for your guides: your guides are here. They don’t go away. What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? A text? I’ve been getting this question from my clients since I started using that funny word GUIDES. You can use that word. You can use a different […]
*+-Putting the new newsletter here because I never know where folks will find me… (Oops it has some weird formatting) Dearest Star Lovers, Every once in a while we get one of those Full Moons, a Full Moon to remember. I feel that way about the one coming up, on […]
*+-I’m not writing a new book. That’s not what’s happening here. Not yet anyway. But today I got the idea to compile, to collect some little chunks from recent blog posts (from the Substack) and… no goal except to collect them. In one place. In a document. But it’s not […]
*+-I’m not much of a mopper. I tend to vacuum. And today I swiffered. My autocorrect keeps wanting to change swiffered to “suffered.” I’m listening to Peter Gregson/Bach. Ever since I moved into this beautiful apartment, I’ve been battling less than beautiful neighbors. Endless fumes from weed (multiple neighbors) and […]
*+-Crossroads can be frightening. Something about the summer, its slowness. And it’s not even summer yet. We’re in Gemini Season. We had our eclipses. We’ll have more in the fall. Now it’s the in-between time. Today’s Sun Saturn square feels like a shadow. Don’t blame yourself if you can’t get […]
*+-I’ve been blogging for over a decade (wow) although I deleted years of blog posts a few months ago. And I just heard the news that the legendary Tina Turner (a Sagittarius) has died and I’m looking at the class options for fall 2023 as I continue my psychoanalytic training […]
*+-How’s your Mercury retrograde going? Any revelations? Any blasts from the past? Whatever happens during the retrograde might be a rectification. It might be a review or a redo or a renew and all this redoing and reviewing and renewing is good for you. And I’ll tell you something else: […]
*+-I wasn’t planning on quoting John McClane to my analyst today and I try not to text my analyst. I try to keep the frame, the boundaries. But sometimes it happens, and there I was texting him, quoting John McClane: Yippee-ki-yay, mothefucker! Actually what I texted was Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers. With […]
*+-Think of Pisces as a cloud. Think of Pisces, ruled by Neptune, as chaos, no boundaries, no limits, too much freedom, too much liberty. You can see, my friends, how this could be bad, how this could go very very wrong. We need rules. What if there were no stop […]
*+-Saturn symbolizes death in astrology (among other things), but the truth is all the planets do, and yes some more obviously than others, and Saturn changes signs today, and I’m thinking about death and loss and grief and myth. I’m thinking about myth. I never think about myth even though I’m […]
*+-Already I’m thinking about this month’s New Moon in Pisces. February 19th. We have a Venus Pluto link on that day (a good one) and Venus enters Aries. Fireworks in a thunderstorm are still fireworks, right? Pisces Season with Venus in Aries. I’m sure you know one or two of them […]
*+-What is moderation anyway? Well, we do have a Temperance card. The Tarot gods created a Temperance card. And a Devil card. There’s a card for everyone and everything if you look close enough. But I was thinking about this topic — moderation — as I started to ponder my […]
*+-When Saturn is in Pisces, we keep trying to structure God and then we realize it can’t be done. We keep trying to control God and, no, it can’t be done. He keeps slipping out. He’s near and then far. Far and then near. And yet we need, must learn, […]
*+-I have NO plans on quitting astrology or tarot or doing readings/consultations/tarot lessons/everything else that I do, mystically speaking. This came to mind this morning. I got a message. The message said keep focusing on astrology and focus MORE on it. And I know I’ve been hyper focused on my […]