-+*The truth is – I don’t blog as much as I used to – but you can find me on Facebook most days and usually there is an overlap between my two pages in terms of content but I am more on my personal page and you can FRIEND me. […]
Planetary Round-Up
-+*The week begins with the exact Sun Venus conjunction in Gemini. We have been New Moon-ed. You have set your intentions. This aspect is a lovely blessing BUT… The Moon is now in Cancer (Monday) and the Sun Venus conjunction makes an inconjunct to Pluto. In plain English? The lighthearted […]
-+*Has your life fallen apart? Let it grow around you. Let what remains, or something new, grow around you, to protect you. I’m thinking about a house. Maybe this is a metaphor and maybe it is the real deal for you. You’ve moving into a new house. Or an old […]
-+*It’s eventful week. Well, an eventful weekend — Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: not much, just the Moon from Virgo to Libra to Scorpio. Thursday: Venus in Taurus is sextile Chiron. Venus is concerned with beauty (and in Taurus, comfort) and Chiron is… the most painful wound of all. OF ALL. We […]
-+*Jupiter is now direct. We can grow again. We can dream. Yes Jupiter is in Virgo so we grow in Virgo ways, not smaller necessarily, but more refined. Refine (Virgo) the vision (Jupiter). Otherwise: the TRINES! Venus trine Jupiter Mercury trine Pluto Venus trine Pluto And a Sun Chiron sextile […]
-+*Mercury is retrograde. Mars is retrograde. Saturn and Pluto retrograde. Even Jupiter is retrograde, but goes direct next week. And in the midst of the review, delay, and malaise or however you are experiencing this time, stagnation or relaxation or a little of both, we have Sun, Venus, and Mercury […]
-+*So far what I’m noticing is that folks are not freaking out over these retrogrades. They are taking it/them in stride. In fact, I’m noticing optimism and breakthroughs of spirit. So far so good. Maybe it’s the Sun Jupiter trine this week that’s causing the uptick. It’s in orb. Whatever […]
-+*It’s already Monday so let me catch up a bit. I wrote this to an Email client this morning who was concerned about the retrogrades and what it meant for her chart. Wait. Before that let me tell you that I am starting to keep track of my moods – […]
-+*Even though I just blogged about the weekend, I want to talk about next week, briefly, and next week is amazing. I’ll do my best to blog day by day but let me give you a little list: SUN TRINE SATURN (build it) VENUS ENTERS ARIES (love it by fire) […]
-+*If you’re obsessed or distressed, I think this weekend will help you out. Aquarius is a worker, a thinker, a worker. Not to say that Aquarius doesn’t obsess; of course they do BUT I think you’ll still feel immense relief. I told you this week would be rough (for many) […]
-+*What we have is this: Moon in Capricorn trine Jupiter (earth to earth, harmonious, but Capricorn and Virgo are workaholic) and Moon conjunct Pluto (emotionally intense – hi! that’s my aspect but in Virgo in my natal) AND Mercury in Aries on Uranus and… I think you know what I’m […]
-+*This week is all about the Mercury, your mind, all about the messages and messengers. Pages from your Tarot deck. We’ll be under a Mercury Jupiter inconjunct and a Mercury Saturn trine on Tuesday. Wednesday is the Mercury Pluto square and then Mercury conjunct Uranus on Thursday. MERCURY IN ARIES. […]
-+*The Swords cards in the Tarot are about the truth. All the Swords cards. Having truth, finding truth, denying truth, celebrating truth, crying over the truth, searching for truth. Consider for the moment, the Eight of Swords, which may be a card of meditation, eyes closed, or a card of […]
-+*This weekend is the Spring Equinox (in my part of the world). The Sun enters Aries. We also have a Venus Neptune conjunction so HELLO all my Venus Neptune lovelies!!!! It’s gonna be rough. I’m not gonna lie. It’s gonna be rough for the Venus Neptune/12th/Pisces people. WHY? Because this […]
-+*is how I feel about tomorrow’s Mercury Chiron conjunction. About the pain. In Pisces. Mild but it’s there. Your Pisces pain. What house is your Pisces house? It’s THERE. In there. We’re far enough away from the first eclipse. We’re far enough away from the second. We’re right here. Right […]
-+*What’s the best we can hope for about tomorrow – the second Jupiter Pluto trine – this time with Jupiter retrograde. Jupiter rules things like hope– but Virgo prides herself on hope reduction, sticking to the (supposed) facts. The retrograde also lessens Jupiter’s scope. So? What’s the best we can […]
-+*The radio show, if my proposal is approved, will be a metaphysical radio show (on paranormal internet radio) full of astrology and tarot — and magic and magick… but I also want it to be safe for poets. Returning to my roots… Making the world safe for poets one second […]
-+*I’m not crazy about tomorrow. I do like a Gemini Moon (my 10th). I’m usually busy and not sad. I like both of those. Some Moons are sad Moons but not Moon in Gemini for me. Moon of the Busy Mind. But tomorrow we have an exact Mercury Saturn square […]
-+*Do you want more Neptune? Venus enters Pisces tomorrow. We have no choice. More Neptune. More Jupiter too (if you want the traditional ruler). No other exact aspects this weekend except from the Moon in Taurus and then Moon in Gemini. We’ll have Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Chiron, and the […]
-+*It can be hard to picture how things will be, before they happen… but this is magic. To create before it happens. But even if you don’t, Eclipse Season brings these kinds of changes, good ones too. What will be? What will be? Is this the end? What will be? […]
-+*I mostly have survival stories. And miracle stories. And daily life routine stories. I track my life through the transits. Ever since I learned astrology, I’ve done this. We are currently in the final days, final seconds really of the Venus & Mars class. I had planned for it to […]
-+*This is that witchy day I was talking about last week. Moon Mars conjunction in Scorpio but also a Venus Saturn sextile. Weird mix of energy — to be so solid (Saturn in a good easy aspect) and also emotional (Moon Mars). What will make this day go smoother for […]
-+*Impromptu testimonial from a client’s email just now: Thank you for what you do, Aliza. Your writing about your own journey right now has been so sustaining to me. Thank you too. You know I am trying to NOT be too personal on the blog but sometimes I can’t help […]
-+*I was only going to mention this on my Facebook but decided to blog about it too. Tomorrow morning the Moon will enter Scorpio (NYC time). The exact Moon Mars conjunction will be at 2:55 pm, Monday. THE WITCHING HOUR. Magicians, witches, mediums, psychics, healers of all kinds, shamans, light […]