*+-Is the hard part over? We had an ugly Mars Pluto. We’re finishing up an ugly Mercury Saturn. What to do? Are you still awake, still listening, ALIVE AND ON YOUR KNEES due to, once again, the Gods knocking you down? The answer, dear star lovers: touch the Chiron. I […]
chiron in the 8th house
*+-So I lit my Shabbos candles and poured myself a glass of kiddush wine and might even go to shul tomorrow morning, but here I am blogging — and I wasn’t planning on blogging tonight — but the sky is just so BUSY, and I’ve got Chiron on my mind. […]
*+-I need new music. I need new music for this life I’m in now, and it’s not that I have music on all the time, but a lot of the time. There’s writing music and walking music and housework music, and I’ve changed so much that the old music is… […]
*+-Catch up here with other Chiron Return blog posts: Stung By 1000 Bees Mass Grave So this post is a reminder to trust your instincts and about how the Chiron Return is the end of a cycle of pain and misery, and you can finally see clearly the mistake you […]
*+-I’m sitting here trying to edit, trying to write (blessed, not in a war zone), trying to work on chapter eleven of new writing, and I can’t. I’m emotional. Tears. I had to stop and talk to you instead. Blog about it. Talk about the Chiron Return, MY Chiron Return, […]