*+-I am feeling those squares to Chiron which is also my natal Chiron (in Aries): Mercury and Mars by degree this week (not just by sign) and here comes Venus into Capricorn also squaring Chiron, and Pluto has left the Capricorn part of your chart so there is A SPACE […]
mars square chiron
*+-How’s your Mercury retrograde going? Any revelations? Any blasts from the past? Whatever happens during the retrograde might be a rectification. It might be a review or a redo or a renew and all this redoing and reviewing and renewing is good for you. And I’ll tell you something else: […]
*+-FUCK. I have to continue with the blog. I’m on Patheos Pagan once a week. I’m always on Facebook and also on Instagram and I do a lot of my astrology updating on FB these days BUT People keep finding me from my blog. In fact my favorite clients of […]
*+-Redemption comes. I know this more than anymore. Or, I should say, as much as anyone who has survived hard transits to the Ascendent and/or Sun from all the outer planets at the same time. Major aspects. Squares and oppositions. Hard transits. See, I know what it is to have […]