*+-All y’all looking for your guides: your guides are here. They don’t go away. What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? A text? I’ve been getting this question from my clients since I started using that funny word GUIDES. You can use that word. You can use a different […]
Yearly Archives: 2023
*+-Everything reminds me of everything I’ve lost. A good friend said this to me the other day. She gave me permission to quote her. And I think it’s how this Full Moon might feel to some of us. There’s just so much… Saturn. Reality. But, remember, today is also Mercury […]
*+-Putting the new newsletter here because I never know where folks will find me… (Oops it has some weird formatting) Dearest Star Lovers, Every once in a while we get one of those Full Moons, a Full Moon to remember. I feel that way about the one coming up, on […]
*+-A little housekeeping before we begin: I’ve been blogging here since 2011, but last year I deleted tons of posts. I think maybe the earliest post now is from 2014? To book a Reading look here. You can also find me on Substack (and become a paid-subscriber to support my […]
*+-Do you ever wake up one day and realize you have to change your entire life? I’m having that moment. Some might call this a Uranus transit (and we’re all under a Uranus transit these days with the New Moon in Scorpio tomorrow with Mars and Uranus in the mix.) […]
*+-I’m exhausted and congested, but I feel like writing. I feel like thinking or trying to think. I have covid. But let’s have a little (decaf) coffee and get some thoughts down and then go back to bed. Sound good? November 13th, this Monday, is the New Moon in Scorpio […]
*+-What is astrology blogging in 2023? Websites are obsolete or becoming obsolete, so I decided to keep a Substack too because when I die this blog will disappear and Substack likely won’t. Welcome to Scorpio Season. We are thinking about death more than usual? Maybe. Eclipse Season: done. That summer […]
*+-The things we are trying to fix happened so long ago. Structures formed. Things we remember. Things we don’t. Sometimes we think we’ve got it figured out. XYZ happened and that’s why XYZ today. But there’s a lot we don’t know. Maturation happens despite… problems along the way. If you […]
*+-(This blog post is a work in progress. Edits to come!) Freud wrote that dreams were the royal road to the unconscious. Well, so is the Tarot. Here’s the deal. Maybe you want to be a Tarot reader (for self or others) or want to create a Tarot deck or […]
*+-And maybe this post is for all the Pluto People, not just the Moon Pluto people. Obviously. But we feel things intensely and for weeks now I felt like I couldn’t write. I would struggle to write. That’s so not me. But it was happening. And just now I was […]
*+-In my head: Sometimes I don’t know if I will even finish out the semester. The lack of sleep is… the interruption to my body rhythm is… a challenge I don’t know if I can do. Getting home at 10pm, 10:30 pm, 11 pm. 11:30pm? The shift in cortisol/adrenalin affects […]
*+-I’m not writing a new book. That’s not what’s happening here. Not yet anyway. But today I got the idea to compile, to collect some little chunks from recent blog posts (from the Substack) and… no goal except to collect them. In one place. In a document. But it’s not […]
*+-My friend, I have the windows open. There’s a very short window of time when I can actually turn off the air conditioner and have the windows open. And it’s so loud, the endless necessary running of the machine. All the time so loud. I can hardly believe it, this […]
*+-I’m not much of a mopper. I tend to vacuum. And today I swiffered. My autocorrect keeps wanting to change swiffered to “suffered.” I’m listening to Peter Gregson/Bach. Ever since I moved into this beautiful apartment, I’ve been battling less than beautiful neighbors. Endless fumes from weed (multiple neighbors) and […]
*+-To book a Reading, look here Perspectives are shifting. Direct revelations. A new moon coming up. Mercury retrograde. Venus direct. The landscape of the next couple weeks is jumpy. And yet…. don’t you feel things settling down? I do. It’s not just me and my personal transits. Life may feel like […]
*+-Two years. It took me two years to write a book, a novel. I didn’t realize it was a novel at the time. And I finished it the summer of 2022 and then queried agent after agent, jumping through the necessary literary agent hoops and probably queried nearly a hundred agents […]
*+-Every day another update. My usual refrain: the world has changed. No, I don’t want to install the latest version of blah blah blah. I want to think about the sky. Commercial break! Subscribe to my Substack where I also write about astrology, tarot, magic, and psychoanalysis. I stopped blogging […]
*+-I want to talk about a few things. I’ll make it quick. About how my analyst wants to know more about my daily life and about my feelings about this. About the new book I started writing and am working on it again today. About how I’m wondering if it […]
*+-I’m on the verge. And then there are the feelings. But I’m on the verge. My chart: Sun Mercury Mars in Cancer with a Moon Pluto conjunction in my First House. Once upon a time, when I was studying astrology (when I was in my 30s), but not reading charts […]
*+-I’m feeling awfully angsty. I’m on a search for authenticity: my own! But it’s a quiet angst. I had a good walk today. Got some energy out. Had a lovely time this morning with a fire sign friend who was on a mission, a caper, and I got to be […]
*+-The heat. It’s getting to me. And I’m writing to you from inside. In the a/c. And I was supposed to get out tonight but I might not so here I am thinking about the VERY HOT North Node in Aries. Commercial break: Find me on Substack! Paid-Subs get ALL […]
*+-I’m a writer but maybe I was a helper before I was a writer — able to contain the pain of others. A job given to me but also my nature. Yesterday with my cousin, her pulse speeding away, I felt in my element, completely calm, soothing, even distracting her […]
*+-I was washing the dishes just now wondering if there was an anniversary that I was forgetting. My Kitty died in the late fall/early winter season, as did Cleo. Neither my father’s (nor mother’s) birth or death dates were summer dates. And then I remembered: Goldy. And I dug around […]
*+-I have to spend some time every day in another world. I have to. For sanity. Meditation, trance state, dream state, creative state. Call it flow. Call it gone. Call it away. Call it far far away. Travel. Journeying. Hyperfocus? Dissociation? Creativity? Imagination. I create therefore I am. And I’m […]