*+-Intense emotions! That’s what my astrologer said to me when he told me about my natal Moon Pluto conjunction so many years ago. He wasn’t wrong. I’ve lived a very long time without parents. I know a lot about a certain kind of life. (Moon conjunct Pluto = Pluto kills […]
Yearly Archives: 2022
*+-I have NO plans on quitting astrology or tarot or doing readings/consultations/tarot lessons/everything else that I do, mystically speaking. This came to mind this morning. I got a message. The message said keep focusing on astrology and focus MORE on it. And I know I’ve been hyper focused on my […]
*+-What is Pluto? Pluto will be changing signs, okay, but what is Pluto? What does Pluto symbolize? I’m sitting here, thinking, writing to you, wondering if I can sum up Pluto in a way that will satisfy me. If it satisfies me then it might satisfy you. And this won’t […]
*+-I feel a little speechless actually. I started studying astrology when Pluto was in Sagittarius. And now, flash forward, it’s ending its time in Capricorn. And I’m not going to go “in order” as if there were any order to go in, and I’m going to start with a personal […]
*+-When I die, sprinkle my ashes over the diners of New York City is what I think to myself as I walk home from my morning walk and pancakes. Nice cold crisp weather, below zero in actual temperature and real feel. Finally got my layers right this morning and am horrified […]
*+-I want to remember how to write. I used to write so freely. That’s what this blog was, all freedom and pain and desire. And astrology. And, yes, I did delete years worth blog posts recently. Writing my two (published) books didn’t make me a better writer. I think they […]
*+-More often than not, I don’t understand my own nature. I’m scared all the time *and* I do things that scare me ALL the time. And there’s lots of stuff that doesn’t scare me in the slightest and I do those things too. But it’s the fear stuff that fascinates […]
*+-Okay this is Mercury trine Uranus in action and this aspect is on order this week, exact on Saturday but we’re feeling it now, living it now. Last night I sent off a quick email to someone who was, well, really important to me, and is partly responsible for the […]
*+-I’m gonna try. I’m gonna try to keep blogging, and today I was back on the pod (after deleting all the old episodes again). It keeps me sane to talk to you and this was how it all began: on the blog. So I got off the phone with my […]
*+-We’re in the midst of a long angry slog by the name of Mars retrograde and this week we have a Full Moon in Mars Retrograde in Gemini. Where are the boundaries? What needs to be said? Gemini rules speech. Everything means something and nothing means anything. I’m at that point […]
*+-The intensity. Just got off the phone with a client and I was deep in her energy. Astrology, tarot, “the guides.” I was deep in. I went a little over time and she thanked me and I said to her when the guides are talking I don’t want to interrupt. […]
*+-I’m very excited. I made a decision. And I’m also waiting for a food delivery so can’t start the Weekly Stars video yet for my Patreon. Before I talk about the top of mind topic let me say that I am talking to clients weekly again (I had to take […]
*+-Mars retrograde is worse than you think and especially for Pluto in Virgo generation in the late degrees because we’re having this prolonged Mars square Pluto transit. I was about to finally catch up on Patreon and I hit my toe (and had to sit down, elevate it) and then […]
*+-What a journey, and it’s not over yet. What am I talking about? We just survived two eclipses, and we’ll be feeling the effects for months now. Mars is retrograde until mid January 2023. Mercury goes retrograde in December and… isn’t that enough? I’m listening to Beth Ditto as I […]
*+-I was sitting in class (on Zoom) thinking about emptiness which I guess makes sense with Zoom. Zoom class is there and not there, impersonal. And remembering that I need to tell you that I unpublished YEARS of blog posts. Long story. I’m not even sure where the blog begins […]
*+-It is overwhelming. Eclipses are overwhelming. We have one on Tuesday. And one of the themes of this one is the letting go (yes, as in the Dickinson poem). At least that’s what THE ASTROLOGERS are saying and I don’t think they’re wrong about a South Node New Moon Eclipse […]
*+-After my therapy came to an end, I had a story to tell and I told it. I told it and told it and told it. I told it to the 20 or 30 therapists I interviewed in the hopes of finding him in a new form. I wanted a […]
*+-Thinking about Mars going retrograde at the end of this month and thinking about my new analyst. My first analyst actually. Whereas before there was “therapy” now there is “analysis” and I have a feeling he’s not typical and I think that’s a theme with me. For better or worse, […]
*+-Let’s talk about the sky right now. And thank you to the folks on Patreon who keep reading and keep supporting. It means the world to me. So I tried to do a podcast for about six miles or so. I need to check the app on my phone but […]
*+-So I cut the head off my blog this morning. Long story why and there’s more to do, but suffice to say that even though people still find me from the blog, I had to cut the head off this morning. I had been blogging since 2011 and I think […]
*+-Sometimes I don’t mind when clients/students cancel (ahead of time, that is). It lets me recreate my day. Today is cancellation day so it seems and my friend Christopher also cancelled coming to NYC (he’s not feeling well) but I’ve got an errand to run and lots of reading to […]
*+-I really don’t care about choosing my YouTube handle. I keep getting these emails. And I continue to resist the digital revolution (been resisting for a while now) and maybe it is career suicide and maybe it’s not, but I’ve been doing this work a long time now (over a […]
*+-Sunday: Foggy moments, bone tired, middle-aged-ness: my state of mind today. I’m listening to two white skinny people talk about god. No offense to the skinny white people of the world. No offense to those who talk about god on YouTube. Why not? Let’s all talk about god on YouTube. […]
*+-The loss of a dream is a loss. The loss of a fantasy is a loss. The loss of a loss is a loss. Pluto goes direct. Full Moon in Aries. That’s this weekend’s sky. Matters regarding your Capricorn House (where Pluto lives at this time) move forward again, but […]