*+-I have NO plans on quitting astrology or tarot or doing readings/consultations/tarot lessons/everything else that I do, mystically speaking. This came to mind this morning. I got a message. The message said keep focusing on astrology and focus MORE on it. And I know I’ve been hyper focused on my […]
mars retrograde in gemini
*+-When I die, sprinkle my ashes over the diners of New York City is what I think to myself as I walk home from my morning walk and pancakes. Nice cold crisp weather, below zero in actual temperature and real feel. Finally got my layers right this morning and am horrified […]
*+-It is overwhelming. Eclipses are overwhelming. We have one on Tuesday. And one of the themes of this one is the letting go (yes, as in the Dickinson poem). At least that’s what THE ASTROLOGERS are saying and I don’t think they’re wrong about a South Node New Moon Eclipse […]
*+-Thinking about Mars going retrograde at the end of this month and thinking about my new analyst. My first analyst actually. Whereas before there was “therapy” now there is “analysis” and I have a feeling he’s not typical and I think that’s a theme with me. For better or worse, […]