That Jupiter Uranus Conjunction: PLENTY!

So we’ve been through it and we’re not done yet.

Mercury retrograde still here.
Aries Season still here.
Eclipse Season: STILL HERE although we’re done for now with fresh eclipses until the fall.

Am I missing anything? Oh yeah we went all Mars Saturn as well. That was rough. I hope you didn’t poke too many bears and picked your battles and all the good idioms. And I’m sure I’m missing something (I don’t have my book in front of me), but what’s on my mind right now, of course, is the upcoming Jupiter Uranus conjunction… while Mercury is retrograde and still in the energy of the eclipses.

It’s like one long day. It’s like one long night. And just now I was reading about the differences between dreams and hallucinations. Fun.

What to say about Jupiter Uranus for the moment? Jupiter Uranus is NOT content. Oh god that’s me in a nutshell, kinda. I like my inner peace and I seek it, but in my natal I have a WIDE Jupiter Uranus conjunction (it’s in the same sign).

We, the Jupiter Uranus people, are irritable, discontented, ever seeking expansion, horizons. We want to grow and grow and grow. We think, we hope, we know that luck, at some point, will rain on our heads ever so sweetly big blessings from the great… beyond? From somewhere out there.

No advice for right now but it’ll come. Jupiter Uranus is nothing you can predict. It’s a windfall in one way or another. The big shock of the big new but since Mercury is retrograde… there’s a look back, a link to the past.

My Gemini friend Laura got laid from her job last month and she’s getting job offer after job offer right now and I had a quick peek at her chart the other day and you guessed it! Jupiter Uranus is super active and so is Pluto in Aquarius and so was the Mars Saturn conjunction. It’s never just one thing in a chart, but when it comes to Jupiter Uranus it might be more than enough. It might be PLENTY!

To be continued, dear star lovers. Keep passing the open windows!

"mars in cancer"