*+-Could I possibly have anything more to say about Venus Retrograde and the Venus Pluto conjunction? Probably. I got one more cut to make. Just watch me. Stay tuned for that news in the new year. And I know you’ve got your own cuts to make. Who and what will […]
Yearly Archives: 2021
*+-So. Are you becoming energetically smaller? In response to something? In response to your WHOLE LIFE? You know what I’m going to say next. That the current sky can help you with this. Or maybe it’s just you. Maybe it’s not the collective sky, the collective astrology, but something you’re […]
*+-Socia media can be painful. I just had one such interaction. I was making a joke and the other person (total stranger, probably decades younger than me) didn’t get the joke and I was sarcastic in response. I knew they wouldn’t get that joke either and they didn’t so they […]
*+-I left the Shabbos table early, my usual place, a good friend. One of her kids has a cold (not covid) but I was just sick and didn’t want to get sick again and who knows it’s out of my hands now, but I was there for a little bit, […]
*+-So many endings. We have a Full Moon tomorrow. Venus goes retrograde on Sunday. What was it that you wanted? It’s changed already, hasn’t it. I spent hours today writing and writing so I don’t have too many blog-thoughts now, but here’s the news: it’s time to review your dreams, […]
*+-I feel I have to fall in love with my book again, the new one I’m working on. And it’s not that I’ve fallen out of love with it, but life gets in the way and work and the body and just everything… gets in the way sometimes. I’ve got […]
*+-Feeling something else now about this upcoming Venus retrograde, that you might go quiet, solitary, so quiet, so solitary, and need some space or room for yourself, for a while, and more than usual. So that you can think. So that you can understand. Less social, more introspective. Chiron goes […]
*+-That everything is painful and you feel like it shouldn’t be so you fight against it and then it only hurts more. And it keeps on hurting until you learn this truth. That life IS painful. And there doesn’t come a time without pain, regret, loss. No matter what the […]
*+-You know, it’s been years since I’ve blogged consistently. If you’ve been reading here, if you know my work, you know it’s been years and that this blog is, well, old now — born in 2011. I was thinking last night: I was so young then. So young. It’s embarrassing […]
*+-How to let it go and move on? That’s my question tonight as I contemplate leaving a relationship and realizing that Pluto is about to make (I think) it’s LAST pass to my Mars. Pluto has been opposing my Mars for YEARS, the last of three Pluto transits to my […]
*+-Hello and happy Sunday. I’m thinking about therapy again and I’m thinking about writing. See, I’m working on a new book (which doesn’t have a home yet and thus seeking an agent/publisher) and the book has a therapist in it and I started this book last summer, a year before […]
*+-There comes a point in life — that if you want to stay alive, remain alive — that you have to stop asking God why you didn’t get what you wanted: beauty, love, money, children, whatever it is, or was. I was thinking about this tonight as I was walking home — […]
*+-Catch up here: Most recent blog post And the one before that I was sitting here thinking about how I’d love to talk about my ten years plus experience as an astrologer, talking to people, all kinds of people, including very difficult people. And by difficult I mean, well, I […]
*+-Today I had a fight with a stranger. So what else is new? I live in New York City. This was one of those dating app things. The Sun is in Libra after all. We’re in Libra Season with Mars in Libra and Mercury retrograde in, you guessed it, Libra! […]
*+-I don’t feel dead inside. Do you feel dead inside? I’m thinking about how I’m writing, working on, this new book, and I spent a year writing three chapters, off and on, and I keep searching for some of the feelings I had, the intensity and passion and pain and… […]
*+-Dear Star Lovers: The Full Moon in Pisces falls on the first evening of Sukkot. My father was a builder of Sukkahs. His yartzeit (the anniversary of death) was on the second day of Rosh Hashana (the new year), a little more than ten days ago. I remember, as children, how we decorated the […]
*+-Fuck the Full Moon. Fuck the New Moon. Fuck all the moons. So this evening I was talking to my books. Yes, talking to my books, and I don’t mean the books I’ve written: the Saturn book and the new one (which is out on Kindle but the print book […]
*+-I just deleted a bunch of stuff from this blog post. The entire first paragraph! It was about a certain Scorpio. I might tell this story another time. Let me do the commercials and links before we talk astrology: To book a Reading go here (and it’s busy but I […]
*+-Cunt. A cunt of a transit. Here I am blaming the eclipses, and there is that, but the Sun Pluto opposition (which was exact on Saturday) has been active ALL CANCER SEASON since Cancer Season essentially is a Sun Pluto opposition. There’s nothing else to know. Nothing else to understand […]
*+-So the Sun Pluto opposition is exact today and one way we can think of the Sun Pluto opposition is that the monster is inside us, not outside us. This is not true in all cases. And it may be both, inside and outside. You have an enemy over there […]
*+-I like the spontaneous conversation with Katie (who has a Moon Chiron conjunction) that developed on my Burning Bridges post on Facebook. It is by no means the last word on any of this. Here’s part of the conversation: Her: Now I’m wondering how much Moon Pluto is like Moon […]
*+-I’m thinking about bridges. I asked on my Facebook: do you burn them? First person to respond was basically a HELL YES and I called him a scorcher. I can relate. Next person to chime in was the opposite, very rational. I accused her of air-sign-ness lol. She wasn’t offended […]
*+-So I’m trying to blog more regularly and I think I did it twice this week and that’s not so bad, considering. I’m still missing Dianna the Taurus but her spirit feels more and more far from me. I mean, I don’t think of her as much except when I […]
*+-I’m assuming astrologers are talking a blue streak about this week. We’re in the midst of Mars action: Mars entangled with both Saturn and Uranus and I’ve gone live a few times on Instagram and made podcast episodes about it and my final answer is this: DO NOTHING. Wait. You […]