*+-There is this fear that some of us have, that as soon as something good happens, that we’ll lose it, that it will be taken away. This feeling will dominate our lives LESS now that the Saturn Neptune square is DONE. That’s the first good news. The second good news […]
Saturn square Neptune
*+-I’m sorry for the delay in posting recent comments. They went to my SPAM and I hadn’t been checking my spam. I think I got them all posted but am still digging back to see. So Jupiter is now in Libra and I was reading something interesting last night about […]
*+-There’s all this change going on and we are being asked to NOT hold onto the past. The past had its virtues yes. The past got us HERE but something else, something *better* is being asked of us now. It’s a call. It’s a calling. But you have to get […]
*+-I took an UNofficial hiatus – but I’m gonna try to be back. If you missed me, let me know. If you didn’t, carry on 🙂 * Time slows to a snail’s pace today as Mars squares Neptune. As Mars SATURN squares Neptune. Is this all you need to know? […]
*+-The first part of this blog post is from my Facebook… So. Dating. I am going to be talking about this, blogging about this. As my 2015 Solar Return year winds down – and I consider dating again – everything I’ve learned up to this point… about Venus square Saturn… […]
*+-A general card for the situation, a card for DO and a card for DON’T Situation, advice, caution. I do this spread daily. I got it from Rachel Pollack (got myself a reading from her a few years ago) but it’s been adapted a bit through use in the chat […]
*+-BROADCASTING TO YOU LIVE FROM THE SWAMP PALACE Good Morning. So the truth has already been revealed — or is in process – of REVELATION. I got mine early in the week (was it MONDAY?) under the SATURN NEPTUNE SQUARE: reality thoughts pulsating out of my Piscean 7th House as […]
*+-I want to talk about next week but first let’s talk about RIGHT NOW. Mercury enters Gemini tonight (it’s not there yet – as I type this.) Communication speeds up and you will feel more scattered. Much to do (which is good if you are like me) but with Neptune […]
*+-It’s already Monday so let me catch up a bit. I wrote this to an Email client this morning who was concerned about the retrogrades and what it meant for her chart. Wait. Before that let me tell you that I am starting to keep track of my moods – […]