*+-God I wish it were cold out. When will it happen? It feels like endless summer here in the big city. I’d love to go for a walk but damn it’s so hot and bright out. Good thing I’ve got Virgo Season shit to do, and I may still head […]
saturn in the 4th house
*+-I was waiting. I was waiting for love. I was waiting for money. VENUS RULES LOVE AND MONEY. I’m not gonna hide from you, hide behind some wall of I DO NOT WANT. Because I DO want. I want love. I want money. Just like you. Doesn’t mean I’m totally […]
*+-I love this house. She has needs but we all do. Saturn through my 4th House during Cancer Season. Cancer is an expert at needs – having them and responding to them. It’s Thursday morning as I write this. Been here almost a month and what a trip it’s been. […]
*+-From my Facebook: To truly get what you desire and value (whatever that is), you cannot have a continual adversarial relationship with life itself, with being alive itself. Life itself will keep tripping you up then. Thinking about the Tarot I’ve drawn for the house (that I’m interested in renting) […]