*+-How my sister’s energy healer used Frankincense on her and my sister doesn’t know much about oils (although she knows a lot about a lot, spiritual and otherwise) and she was asking my advice. Me: “Do you think it worked? Was it calming? It really is individual like homeopathy. My […]
Monthly Archives: February 2016
*+-I’m still thinking about stories and the Hero’s Journey. Not feeling all that heroic the last few days. So many feelings. I am going to try to write more personally these days even though the mix of responses is a mix of responses: hate mail vs. patronizing mail vs. bizarre […]
*+-This is that witchy day I was talking about last week. Moon Mars conjunction in Scorpio but also a Venus Saturn sextile. Weird mix of energy — to be so solid (Saturn in a good easy aspect) and also emotional (Moon Mars). What will make this day go smoother for […]
*+-Impromptu testimonial from a client’s email just now: Thank you for what you do, Aliza. Your writing about your own journey right now has been so sustaining to me. Thank you too. You know I am trying to NOT be too personal on the blog but sometimes I can’t help […]
*+-From my Facebook page because I like sharing this stuff and I know not everyone who reads here reads my FB: Discovering idiosyncrasies in the chakra system: A being (human or other) may have many of one chakra. And this is not a problem necessarily or sickness. And it may […]
*+-I had to build a home. A temporary home. All the comforts and necessities of home for a shortish amount of time. Temporary world. Where would my new haunts be, for Moon and Venus, food and beauty. And exercise. Structure. Routine. Moon in Virgo here. Conjunct Pluto. Need my routines. […]
*+-When you keep trying to replace the things that you’ve lost – as though you could replace what really mattered – a home, a person. I drew the Queen of Swords for that thought, about the replacements. How appropriate. Drew her after doing a Celtic Cross. Ace of Cups crossed […]
*+-I was only going to mention this on my Facebook but decided to blog about it too. Tomorrow morning the Moon will enter Scorpio (NYC time). The exact Moon Mars conjunction will be at 2:55 pm, Monday. THE WITCHING HOUR. Magicians, witches, mediums, psychics, healers of all kinds, shamans, light […]
*+-And you aren’t sure what it means – and it’s a good card but you fear you are over thinking it – and it’s a reading for yourself. It is a message to hear and understand but maybe you’ve hit a Tarot wall. When that happens what to do? Meditation. […]
*+-Transits give you options, although it doesn’t always feel that way. Uranus square my Sun for example, of which I just had the last pass. What options were those? Die or die? I still had options even though all the roads of the crossroads felt daunting, frightening. Transits give you […]
*+-I am a teacher of Tarot. I do readings for myself and for others, professionally. I do this daily. Today’s advice: don’t over think your Tarot. Figure out a system for yourself. Are the good cards good cards? Are the bad cards bad cards? What are the bad cards’ silver […]
*+-Virgo is the cautious sign. April is the cruelest month (sorry, the meter of the phrase Virgo is the cautious sign reminded me of Eliot.) Virgo Needs Proof. Doesn’t want to fly. Sometimes when I have readings with Virgo people (whether I’m giving those readings or getting them), I want them […]
*+-The Jupiter Chiron opposition is this week – and with Jupiter retrograde this time. Tuesday February 23rd. There will be a repair. A repair of what got all kinds of messed up THE FIRST TIME i.e. the first time we had this opposition, when Jupiter was direct so think back […]
*+-Yesterday an old friend said to me that I “dodged a bullet” and I thought to myself: are you kidding?? I got shot! Didn’t dodge no bullet. I’m riddled with them. Swiss cheese! But there is such a thing as surgery and wounds heal. I know THE BEST surgeons in […]
*+-Oh I do feel for you, Sagittarius Suns and Risings and Moons! Saturn (the teacher) is in your sign, as you know. And Saturn will retrograde at 16 degrees, back to 9 degrees. We won’t be starting the transit over completely but pretty damn close. I’ve got some advice for […]
*+-You discover what is happening in your life by being quiet. There is no other way. Where I live now is very quiet. I have no choice but to face my life. I don’t even have to meditate although I want to mediate. I enjoy meditation. But to see my […]
*+-Sometimes I find it hard to believe that things can get better. That it’s possible. Honestly. Seriously. Even though I can talk to **you** and see the happier or “better” trajectory for you. The Uranus Pluto square did what it was supposed to do. Crush and catapult. To quote Madonna: […]
*+-You learn so much about yourself when you move to the Middle of Nowhere. You learn so much about yourself because it is so quiet. You do not have the rush of the city blinding your ears and pulverizing your eyes, as happens with city life, which I love some […]
*+-We’re supposed to have feelings this week. How do you feel about feelings? About having feelings. I’m kinda less into them these days. I think perhaps I’ve had enough for a lifetime. I could use a decade’s break. BUT, my friends, tomorrow the Moon enters Cancer and you know what […]