I had to build a home. A temporary home. All the comforts and necessities of home for a shortish amount of time. Temporary world. Where would my new haunts be, for Moon and Venus, food and beauty. And exercise. Structure. Routine. Moon in Virgo here. Conjunct Pluto. Need my routines. Build it all for a short amount of time. For the cats too. This is not easy or simple on the psychological level (leaving a city after 15 years, entering a new city) even though physically all was well and provided. But such is life when Uranus and Pluto are transiting your Sun and your Saturn is squaring your Ascendent from your IC. The only certainty is change.
Reminds me of the Sukkah in Jewish tradition where we sleep for a week, under the stars (the roof must be thatched). And yet the house was/is already built and is beautiful and clean and safe. I’ve been living in rural America since early January but it’s temporary and we knew that. My final stop (will it? will it really be the final stop?) on my Saturn through the 4th House journey is points farther south in the spring. Here we go, Eclipses; here we go.
One thing I’ve noticed is how unique each month felt. January was this. February was this. And March will be dismantling what I created in January and February, piece by piece. Like my own art installation except it’s my life. Where are Christo’s bright pinks and oranges when you need them?
Last night at dinner, I got an image of a long distance truck driver. The road. Endless miles. Hauling cargo. All through the night.
Eclipses do little but change us and change the circumstances of our lives. Thing is this though… an Eclipse can end a bad cycle. An Eclipse can cherry on the cake you. An Eclipse will put you where you need to be and drive you home.
Last night at dinner we talked about time and substance and God. My hostess, my Rebbetzin, told another story from the Mahabarata. I will miss these Friday nights. I am learning so much here, and not just about time, substance, and God. I was writing in one of the chat rooms that these transits are forcing me to re-enter society. I’ve led a fairly monastic existence for the last few years. I had a premonition the other day of a more public life (and my 2016 Solar Return does emphasize the 10th House house).
Please don’t be ashamed if you are also a Moon Pluto person. Emotionally intense. Please don’t be ashamed if you are also a trucker. This world needs truckers too. This world needs us, the ones who carry others from place to place, as we also carry ourselves. I realize, too, this is a Chiron image. So be it. I was born on a Chiron station IN MY EIGHTH HOUSE. My cargo is the Eight House where my Ceres is. I’m holding your hand as I write this.
Stuff I’m excited about: that I’ll be living closer to family this spring for the first time in WOW a very long time, decades, family by blood and by marriage. Also excited about the radio show which hopefully will happen this year so stay tuned for details about that.
And also the Eclipse Special. Here are the details $25 off my regular hourly rate. This special will run the first week of March only – Tarot and Astrology, your Eclipse transits! Pisces/Virgo axis, Libra/Aries axis are your hot spots!