*+-I’m not going to write one big Jupiter in Libra blog post. I’m going to keep talking about Jupiter in Libra — all year long. Jupiter leaves Virgo and enters Libra September 9th MERE DAYS FROM NOW — and shall remain there until October 2017, a little more than a […]
jupiter in virgo
*+-Venus entering Libra this year is special. Why? I know you know! Because JUPITER enters Libra September 9th – while we are in high Virgo Season with the Sun in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo (Mercury goes rx on Tuesday) and the coming Eclipses on the 1st and 16th of […]
*+-Reflecting on the upcoming Jupiter North Node conjunction in Virgo later this month and what that may mean for us — And WOW I drew the Devil upon reflection and thus thinking our attachment to the South Node Pisces point has quite a hold on us indeed and one more card […]
*+-Fuck off, Mother’s Day. And in other news 🙂 Jupiter goes direct tomorrow. THIS IS A REALLY BIG DEAL. Fuck off because there are people in the world (raises hand) for whom mother or mothering is painful. Their mothers are dead or GONE IN OTHER WAYS – narcissistic, careless, neglectful. […]
*+-Catch up with Part One here: So I was writing in my journal just now and I figured it out. Of course. Trauma. That’s why I don’t want to go anywhere near my beloved Palo Santo (given to me by a dear man, Reiki Master and Healer who cleared my […]
*+-What’s the best we can hope for about tomorrow – the second Jupiter Pluto trine – this time with Jupiter retrograde. Jupiter rules things like hope– but Virgo prides herself on hope reduction, sticking to the (supposed) facts. The retrograde also lessens Jupiter’s scope. So? What’s the best we can […]
*+-Sometimes I find it hard to believe that things can get better. That it’s possible. Honestly. Seriously. Even though I can talk to **you** and see the happier or “better” trajectory for you. The Uranus Pluto square did what it was supposed to do. Crush and catapult. To quote Madonna: […]
*+-Jupiter rules ABUNDANCE and achievement. Jupiter rules applause, benefits, crowns. Yes, I have my Rex Bills on my lap here. Jupiter rules growth and gluttony. And Jupiter, among other things, rules sermons, splendor, voyages. What did you do before Jupiter went retrograde? What was happening in your life THAT DAY? That […]