*+-What is the FIRST HOUSE of the astrology wheel about? Conversation in the current class as I listed where each of us will have the new moon eclipse (Pisces 8 degrees) and a few are having it in the First House and a gal was listing meanings and mentioned not […]
new moon eclipse in pisces
*+-So I visited three “animal shelters” today. One was a pet store that has kitten adoptions. I am thinking about a kitten for Goldy. Goldy has never been a single cat. He was with two ladies always until Kitty died in 2015 and then Cleo, his litter mate, who passed […]
*+-The transits between the Eclipses matter. This week: Sun conjunct Chiron in PISCES Mercury conjunct Neptune in PISCES Venus entering yes PISCES Next week: Mercury square Saturn (Pisces challenge from Sag but how much of a challenge is that? Which drink to order at the bar? How many to have? […]
*+-It can be hard to picture how things will be, before they happen… but this is magic. To create before it happens. But even if you don’t, Eclipse Season brings these kinds of changes, good ones too. What will be? What will be? Is this the end? What will be? […]
*+-Finishing some Email Readings and thinking about life. That even when we feel at our most hopeless, pointless (and that Viktor Frankl paperback is out of reach), it’s important to kiss the boy (or girl) anyway. Sometimes this is a metaphor. Sometimes it isn’t. What is the kiss? The kiss […]
*+-I want to talk to you in the dark. Busy rewriting my ABOUT ME page and my READINGS page. Please take a look! That “talking in the dark” thing is a reference to the upcoming radio show. When I first approached the radio folks about doing a show, I was […]
*+-I’m still thinking about stories and the Hero’s Journey. Not feeling all that heroic the last few days. So many feelings. I am going to try to write more personally these days even though the mix of responses is a mix of responses: hate mail vs. patronizing mail vs. bizarre […]
*+-I was only going to mention this on my Facebook but decided to blog about it too. Tomorrow morning the Moon will enter Scorpio (NYC time). The exact Moon Mars conjunction will be at 2:55 pm, Monday. THE WITCHING HOUR. Magicians, witches, mediums, psychics, healers of all kinds, shamans, light […]
*+-And you aren’t sure what it means – and it’s a good card but you fear you are over thinking it – and it’s a reading for yourself. It is a message to hear and understand but maybe you’ve hit a Tarot wall. When that happens what to do? Meditation. […]