*+-It’s hard to be so unpleasant. This is what I think when I reflect upon today’s meeting with my analyst. But it’s about me. I’m the unpleasant one. And then I think: I don’t want this job. And then I think: keep going. Finish your studies and your training and […]
Venus square Saturn
*+-I don’t want to write a gloomy blog post, really I don’t, but I’ve got my eye on this Venus Saturn square (exact this week) so let’s talk a little bit about it and see if I can give it a positive spin. I mean, I gave that Mars Chiron […]
*+-I don’t know why you haven’t found love yet, and yes it does concern me. You aren’t the only one I talk to who hasn’t found love. I don’t mean to make you sound un-special because you are special. You are unique. I just mean you aren’t alone in this. […]
*+-So we need to talk about this Venus Chiron situation. My previous blog post was a bit controversial, but in a good way. I had people complaining, as people tend to do, but MORE people coming to me and saying YES and thanking me. But let’s move on, for a […]
*+-To soothe your Root Chakra (yes, soothe, not fix not heal), clean your house. This can be as simple as a simple sweep but what I find SO difficult is, again, this perfectionism which is at the root of Venus Chiron square Saturn pain: it won’t ever be perfect. It […]
*+- This sky feels crazy difficult to me so I figured I better come here and blog. This sky feels like loss, feels like mourning. I wrote this on my Facebook timeline: It would be surprising if you didn’t feel at least a little bad right now under this sky. […]
*+-How strong you are, continually reborn. It takes strength to allow for your own rebirth. You know this right? Every time you lose. Every time you suffer. You have a choice in that moment and right after. You have a choice. Live or die. Lillith keeps coming up in my […]
*+-I’m not really sure why I haven’t been blogging but I haven’t been blogging. Been working, business as usual, doing readings, two classes, another one to start end of this month and I’m plenty alive on Facebook and Instagram but not much blogging. Saturn went direct today. That’s a big […]
*+-The first part of this blog post is from my Facebook… So. Dating. I am going to be talking about this, blogging about this. As my 2015 Solar Return year winds down – and I consider dating again – everything I’ve learned up to this point… about Venus square Saturn… […]
*+-Do you have a Venus Saturn aspect in your chart? A hard aspect? Just posted this on my Facebook: Protective in the right way, protective in the wrong way. Saturn = limitation, safety, protection. Thinking of Venus Saturn hard aspects in the natal or by transit – Protective in the […]
*+-I would not be surprised if you still feel the effects of the Full Moon Eclipse, not surprised at all (i.e. crazy emotional or just crazy or just emotional) and keep in mind as well that Libra Moon in general may not be doing your chart any favors. Think about […]