*+-I feel old school because I am old school, still blogging, writing (and no AI ever) while everyone else is filming (and podcasting) their astrology thoughts and what have you. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m a writer (and a helper). Always been a writer. Although just […]
new moon eclipse in aries
*+-That if you really want it or love it, it’ll get taken from you. It’s a lesson from childhood so you repeat it, and it’s a lesson from everyone’s childhood. So then what happens is you devalue it, destroy it. Better them than you, right? And better to see this […]
*+-So I lit my Shabbos candles and poured myself a glass of kiddush wine and might even go to shul tomorrow morning, but here I am blogging — and I wasn’t planning on blogging tonight — but the sky is just so BUSY, and I’ve got Chiron on my mind. […]
*+-This eclipse is a hot one. A Pluto in Aquarius eclipse. And it could be more breakthrough than breakdown for you. It could be. And it could be exhausting. Get your eclipse prep ready. Maybe you need a bottle of red wine. Maybe you need two. Maybe you need a […]
*+-It’s hard to be so unpleasant. This is what I think when I reflect upon today’s meeting with my analyst. But it’s about me. I’m the unpleasant one. And then I think: I don’t want this job. And then I think: keep going. Finish your studies and your training and […]