*+-I was feeling boxed in. I was feeling Saturn. I was feeling this crazy sky. I was feeling the fixed grand cross 100% and then… I found a way out. So I just want to tell you that. There are escape hatches available to you at this time. They are […]
Monthly Archives: July 2022
*+-OH YES YOU ARE FEELING IT. I am feeling it. We are feeling it. If you aren’t feeling it, you are probably dead, in the afterworld, playing a harp, flying around with the angels. Or maybe you’re in hell at the bbq. Maybe both! Life, my friends, is vertical. And […]
*+-So I took a break from teaching when I started writing books. I’ve taught on-line tarot and astrology for as long as I’ve been an astrologer. Remember all the Facebook groups and classes we used to do? Now I’m teaching again, one-on-one, and it’s a special time because I imagine […]
*+-I don’t think I’ve ever felt a transit so intensely. I mean, a sky-thing, not a “what’s it doing in my chart specifically thing.” I felt the world come to a screeching stop, and no it wasn’t literally like that and yet it was, and definitely think of Jupiter retrograde […]
Folks have been asking me for more details so it’s forced me to think about it. I’m intuitive (i.e. silent processes) so it takes me time to put things into the words, but I’m gonna try!!! **** So what I envision is at least three months of working with me with […]
*+-From my Instagram: Yes I currently have room for Tarot students, but I do things my own way. I am an intuitive, idiosyncratic, analytical, Tarot obsessed, Tarot-loving teacher + decades of experience with the cards as a professional reader etc etc etc. 45 minute sessions. We can work weekly or […]
*+-Sometimes the gifts are dark. That’s how it goes. But those are often the gifts that change your life FOR THE BETTER. I had a great conversation the other day (with a potential mentor?) and he was kinda applauding my ability (is that the right word? Not quite but I […]
*+-It will be an interesting Leo Season because Leo Season will give us a Grand Cross. Grand Crosses happen when we have planets in all the fixed signs at the same time (or all the cardinal signs or all the mutable signs). We have Saturn in Aquarius. The rules are […]
*+-No, it’s not exact yet, but it doesn’t matter. You’re probably feeling it or will be feeling it and I’d say that’s normal but some folks are more sensitive than others to THE ENERGIES. Thing is this, though, any bold or fast move you take or make this week isn’t […]
*+-Last night I did a quick, slow live stream on Instagram and I drew a few cards about the Mars Uranus North Node situation which is coming out of your Taurus House, and I was saying that the Taurus people might feel swept away by it, and then it will […]
*+-I remember when I had my Pluto square Pluto transit. I was studying astrology. I was loving astrology. But even though I was meeting these cool people and learning this cool stuff and I remember walking home with my Pisces friend, to the train, and not knowing where it would […]
*+-So I’m learning a lot about flying which is my metaphor for trust, and I don’t mean some goofy “trust the universe” or “trust God” or even “trust yourself.” In fact, I don’t know what I mean entirely but I’m observing something in myself. A subtle feeling. Feels a little […]
*+-My blog is ancient now, a relic, but new clients still find me there even though I’ve been blogging only sporadically over the last few years. I never really committed to YouTube or to any other platform other than my own. So hello if you are new here. The best […]