*+-I keep talking about February being an incredible month, part Aquarius, part Pisces, part WOW! And yet this week is slow. Maybe. On the surface. Maybe. To get my full thoughts and feelings ya gotta be a Patron at the Astrology Tier or higher but I can tell you THIS: […]
Monthly Archives: January 2024
*+-It must have been Isabel Hickey. Gotta be. The first time I read that Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. And this morning I had a Mercury retrograde experience but it’s not Mercury retrograde so I said to my friend Laura: It’s Uranus! Uranus going direct this weekend. She […]
*+-I am feeling those squares to Chiron which is also my natal Chiron (in Aries): Mercury and Mars by degree this week (not just by sign) and here comes Venus into Capricorn also squaring Chiron, and Pluto has left the Capricorn part of your chart so there is A SPACE […]
*+-I don’t know if people are talking about this but I recommend you consider it: Pluto in Aquarius (beginning 7:50 pm Eastern time tonight) makes a square to Jupiter in Taurus still in the early degrees, early days, after going direct. How I’m interpreting this: Your Taurus House is about […]
*+-An Aquarius Season like no other this time around because Pluto will enter Aquarius the same day the Sun enters Aquarius (this weekend) and we should prepare for this, I mean internally, because… it matters? It’s a big deal? Yes yes yes. Already I’ve heard from friends and clients of […]
*+-Looking for a sure thing on the verge of such important transits (Pluto in Aquarius anyone?) is hilarious at best. A sure thing? Certainty? I’m making a face as I type this. Impossible! Pluto entering Aquarius for the next twenty years (another Capricorn rx this year, notwithstanding) is huge news. […]
*+-In astrology, the Sun is who you are and who you become. We grow into our charts. A few of Isabel Hickey’s keywords for the Sun: WILL, INDIVIDUALITY, SPIRIT. What do you think happens when Pluto conjoins it? To answer this question we have to talk about Pluto once again! […]
*+-From my Facebook: It’s a big week, dear star lovers. Pluto continues its Capricorn/Aquarius dance. Do you realize once Pluto enters Aquarius “for good” this year it will spend 20 years in the sign? Pluto in one part of your chart for 20 years doing what it does best: killing […]
*+-Talking to my sister about going West. West with a capital W. It came up in conversation because Taos came up in conversation with someone else and I knew my sister had been there. What might it mean? I know the directions (North South East West) have all kinds of […]
*+-My pal Katie gave me high praise today. I was posting on Instagram some pages from my Saturn book (Kindle screen shots) and she wrote me that my book made her cry for being seen. She’s hoping for a Little Book of Pluto. Maybe someday! It could be. She wrote […]
*+-A reminder to be living the North Node. The North Node is in Aries. There’s an Aries part of your personal chart. What house is it for you? The Nodes right now are at 20 degrees. Do you have planets around 20? Yes, there’s a North Node and a South […]
*+-Everything should be like a song. I mean everything you do — should be like a song. With that grace. This is not a Mars in Capricorn post. Mars enters Capricorn tomorrow. This is a Sun square Chiron post (which I also wrote about yesterday). Sun square Chiron asks us […]
*+-Sun square Chiron blog post from a couple years ago So I’m posting regularly on Facebook again these days, a few times a week, little forecasts, but I’m gonna try to post them here too. I like this sky. I like Jupiter direct. I like Mercury direct. I like Mars […]