*+-Sagittarius is the storyteller. They don’t stop talking. And I don’t mean this in a mean or critical way. I’ve always had Sagittarius in my life, especially women. I love them. My favorite priest is a Sagittarius. Even the friendly and fierce manager of my favorite coffee shop is a […]
venus square pluto
*+- This week is bananas so basically I’m here to tell you to be kind to yourself. That’s the entire message of this blog post. Mercury is retrograde. The Solar Eclipse is a week from today. AND we have a cardinal t-square this week. You KEEP trying to take control […]
*+-Dear Friend, I don’t know if it’s your own personal individual transits or the sky itself but basically what you need is to be carried. I know this is true and I think I know you wish it weren’t true. That you could hold yourself up better. But you can’t, […]
*+-There is this fear that some of us have, that as soon as something good happens, that we’ll lose it, that it will be taken away. This feeling will dominate our lives LESS now that the Saturn Neptune square is DONE. That’s the first good news. The second good news […]