*+-Someone I’ve known for a while gave me high praise the other day. She was happy to read my WET blog post, posting on Facebook that it felt like “classic Aliza.” This made me so happy that I have folks who’ve been reading me for so long, my witnesses. I […]
mercury square neptune
3 posts
*+-Not everyone will be susceptible, not everyone, to the MENTAL in the air next week– Forget for a moment about the Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun entering Cancer (big news) and instead let’s focus on MERCURY, your mind. Check this out. Fluttery Mercury in Gemini next week does these tricks […]
*+-BROADCASTING TO YOU LIVE FROM THE SWAMP PALACE Good Morning. So the truth has already been revealed — or is in process – of REVELATION. I got mine early in the week (was it MONDAY?) under the SATURN NEPTUNE SQUARE: reality thoughts pulsating out of my Piscean 7th House as […]