*+-When Saturn is in Pisces, we keep trying to structure God and then we realize it can’t be done. We keep trying to control God and, no, it can’t be done. He keeps slipping out. He’s near and then far. Far and then near. And yet we need, must learn, […]
Monthly Archives: January 2023
*+-My analyst acts like we have all the time in the world. I don’t know how old he is, but he’s older than me. Today I asked him what something meant. “Symbolically,” I said. What does it mean symbolically? And as I sit here typing to you I can’t remember […]
*+-I listened to the same music over and over when I was writing my memoir (and yes I am still agent-hunting). When I listen to that music now, it takes me back to how I felt when I was writing it: intensity, hunger, longing. But the book is funny — […]
*+-I don’t even know what to say anymore about Mars going direct. I can hardly believe it. After all this time. It’s happening this Thursday and it’s been so many months and Mars still needs to go through almost all of Gemini again but… This was a big one. I […]
*+-I see my Pluto so clearly now and I have a feeling it’s only going to get more clear, which scares me a little. It’s exciting too. To get to know oneself. It’s a deep process. Make no mistake. I used to think I knew my Pluto, could see my […]
*+-So I just got off the phone with one of my Tarot people. I teach Tarot one on one (old school!) and for special students only meaning that… it has to be just right. They have to be the right student for me and I’m the right teacher for them […]
*+-The transit of the moment. The least you need to know. News you can use! You may already be feeeeeeeeeling it. I AM FEELING IT. Break out the fireworks, my friends. Here we go. MARS GOES DIRECT THIS WEEK. Thursday! Today I did a long rambling storytime audio for Patrons […]
*+-You have to understand (I say to my analyst): I’ve been out of circulation for a long time. What I mean is: not just Covid. Not just pandemic time. I mean, I’ve been self-employed for decades and that’s how I like it. I was a pet sitter (working totally alone […]
*+-You’ve really got to think about your life these days. Today I started to think about everything that happened in my life while Pluto was in Capricorn. Me and my friend Laura were sharing lists of major events. She had hard and “easy” aspects from Pluto too. My entire astrology […]
*+-Pluto comes to change you. Pluto comes to change us all. Listen, I’ve been through Pluto opposing my Sun, my Mercury, my Mars. I was born under a Moon Pluto conjunction (in my First House). You know what Pluto does? Pluto gives you depth you didn’t want. Now, the details […]