*+-I’m not writing a new book. That’s not what’s happening here. Not yet anyway. But today I got the idea to compile, to collect some little chunks from recent blog posts (from the Substack) and… no goal except to collect them. In one place. In a document. But it’s not […]
Monthly Archives: August 2023
*+-My friend, I have the windows open. There’s a very short window of time when I can actually turn off the air conditioner and have the windows open. And it’s so loud, the endless necessary running of the machine. All the time so loud. I can hardly believe it, this […]
*+-I’m not much of a mopper. I tend to vacuum. And today I swiffered. My autocorrect keeps wanting to change swiffered to “suffered.” I’m listening to Peter Gregson/Bach. Ever since I moved into this beautiful apartment, I’ve been battling less than beautiful neighbors. Endless fumes from weed (multiple neighbors) and […]
*+-To book a Reading, look here Perspectives are shifting. Direct revelations. A new moon coming up. Mercury retrograde. Venus direct. The landscape of the next couple weeks is jumpy. And yet…. don’t you feel things settling down? I do. It’s not just me and my personal transits. Life may feel like […]
*+-Two years. It took me two years to write a book, a novel. I didn’t realize it was a novel at the time. And I finished it the summer of 2022 and then queried agent after agent, jumping through the necessary literary agent hoops and probably queried nearly a hundred agents […]
*+-Every day another update. My usual refrain: the world has changed. No, I don’t want to install the latest version of blah blah blah. I want to think about the sky. Commercial break! Subscribe to my Substack where I also write about astrology, tarot, magic, and psychoanalysis. I stopped blogging […]
*+-I want to talk about a few things. I’ll make it quick. About how my analyst wants to know more about my daily life and about my feelings about this. About the new book I started writing and am working on it again today. About how I’m wondering if it […]
*+-I’m on the verge. And then there are the feelings. But I’m on the verge. My chart: Sun Mercury Mars in Cancer with a Moon Pluto conjunction in my First House. Once upon a time, when I was studying astrology (when I was in my 30s), but not reading charts […]